"6 Survivor and Anti-Child Abuse Substack Accounts to Follow Right Now"
10.19.23 | Pt 1 of an ongoing series of personal recommendations...
Dear Reader,
It has been such an amazing experience for me to be on Substack and I can’t thank you all ENOUGH for your support - this Substack account now has over 400 Subscribers already and my mind is blown that you’d care to read things I write as an expression of my heart.
I created my podcast, ‘The Imagination’ (CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL) as a passion project from my heart as well to be a way for me to take action and do my part against issues that plagued my heart and kept me up at night, but ultimately - it was created as an outlet for others to come on and share. I wanted to help be a conduit to the public on bringing forth all the most amazing testimonies from all the most incredible guests and share with you how you can support and follow them. The podcast was never intended to be about me - it was created for survivors!
Substack, on the other hand, I created to not only be an extension of my podcast, but to also be an outlet for me to pour my heart out and to be used as an extension of mySelf. I’m so grateful you all chose to Subscribe - I’m a bit overwhelmed if we are being honest - THANK YOU.
I’m going to keep expanding on my mission and writing is way that I find therapy and ways to express myself. A fun fact about me is that I was once a published author for a major platform (that doesn’t exist anymore) and would contribute articles weekly for years! I’ve been delighted to step back into this role (although I’m still brushing the dust off the area between my brain and my fingers) and am excited to expand new ways to continue growing and connecting with all of you on the other side of the screen.
With that being said, I am also an avid reader and I’m guessing you are too if you are on this platform. So, I thought I’d put together Part 1 of what I see as an ongoing series of my own Substack recommendations for all of you who may be new to this platform like I am. As I learn about and find more creators, I will periodically create more of these lists (and plan on doing many other recommendation lists for you guys on a myriad of topics) of creators that I stand behind and have found value in - and think you will too.
So, without further ado - here’s my first short list of Substack Recommendations that you should all go Subscribe to immediately (in alphabetical order):
Adrianne is a survivor, a poet, a woman of God, and an inspiration. Her articles are fused with emotion, love, Scripture, and thoughts from a survivor’s perspective. She beautifully constructs poetry as a way to heal from trauma and her messages are always infused with God’s grace, love, and healing touch. She is truly a conduit to the divine and anytime I need a pick-me-up or to bathe in light when the darkness begins to consume me, I venture off to Adrianne’s Subtack and dive into her articles on Scripture or dive into her poetry and let it fill me with awe. Her page is a reminder of all that’s good in the world and even her darkest poems offer deep insights into the unknown; shining a bright light on what’s hidden from plain sight.
One thing I love is how she shares her most vulnerable moments as a survivor through her writing - she is an example of what survivors like Cathy O’Brien have always spoken about in terms of how HEALING writing can be. Every poem with Adrianne helps us know we aren’t alone in our suffering, and every Scripture lets us know we also aren’t alone in our healing. I’m grateful to Adrianne for her vulnerability and in letting us sit with her in her most vulnerable moments. In turn, we too, feel less alone knowing she is sitting right there with us through our darkest moments and greatest triumphs. You can’t help but being seen in your suffering with Adrianne’s articles.
Support and connect with a survivor while growing your relationship with God - it’s a win-win!
*One of my favorite articles by Adrienne: ‘The Power of Love” (CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE)
Ann’s Substack page is a goldmine of her own personal testimony and insight from her experiences as a victim and survivor of MK ULTRA in Montreal, Canada. Ann was also a podcast guest also on ‘The Imagination’…
…and her testimony was absolutely mind-bending. In her words:
“The story of MKULTRA in Canada has never been properly told. It was a “pan-Canadian” phenomenon, not limited to Montreal and Dr Cameron. In the early sixties, much of what had been a McGill University program was gradually transferred to Toronto, specifically to York University in an emerging counter-cultural scene that became a breeding ground for many Fabian- and Tavistock-influenced movements and programs. Saskatchewan was another centre for MKULTRA mind control, about which very little has been written.
Unfortunately, Canada’s publishing industry is very much a product of that covert expansion of MKULTRA throughout Canada. Books like Anne Collins’ ‘The Sleep Room’ presented a partial account but failed to get at the roots (in British eugenics and Nazi psychiatry) or hint at the vastness of this program, which was secretly promoted at the highest levels of our establishment.”
Her experiences include rendezvous with Leonard Cohen and being programmed in the projects by prolific abuser and programmer, Dr. Ewin Cameron.
Ann’s Substack is a collection of testimony, personal journaling, and insights on world events and history. She is a brilliant creator, writer, and educator with how many years she has been whistleblowing. If you don’t know Ann or follow her story - you should. She was one of the original whistleblowers of MK ULTRA and has given voice to countless survivors over the years. I’m honored to know her and have learned so much from her articles and insights. Go subscribe now!
*One of my favorite articles by Ann: “Canada’s Nazi Problem” (CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE)
This Substack account truly needs no introduction, but if you haven’t heard of investigative journalist, Cathy Fox - you are missing out! Cathy has been on the ‘survivor scene’ for years and is an OG in the world of survivor journalism. Cathy has covered extensive and very exclusive written testimony of so many survivors that she has compiled from interviews, websites, books, social media posts and research from survivors, whistleblowers and write-ups that include rare archives of information that’s not easily found. To say her work is ‘impressive’ would be massively downplaying the incredible catalogue of information she has available on her Substack and Wordpress.
What I love about Cathy’s Substack is that all her articles are often loaded with links you can scour and click on that will take you right to the sources that she compiled the information from so you can learn more about the people, places and things her articles cover.
Cathy is also responsible for introducing me to more than just a few survivors and podcasts guests you and I have been so lucky to have and learn from on ‘The Imagination’. I’m personally so grateful for Cathy and the database of information she has compiled over the years and hope you all go dig into her archives and explore the years and years of content that shines a light on the darkness!
*One of my favorite article’s of Cathy’s (featuring survivor and podcast guest, Ann Diamond who is also recommended above!): “Ann Diamond - Whistleblower on MK Ultra in Canada” (CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE!)
I absolutely LOVE Jordan’s Harbinger’s blog and believe you will too. Jordan is a survivor who has used his Substack account to share memories associated with his abuse. His story is harrowing, inspirational, and mind-bending all at once. Here’s an excerpt from Part 1 of his written testimony:
“My story is considerably different from that of the typical trauma-based mind control (TBMC) survivor, although there are many commonalities.
I was born and raised mormon in Utah. I'm not sure that someone who was not can really understand what an oppressive theocracy Utah actually is (especially if one is not an “active” member of their cult). From my observations, because Brigham Young allegedly said “this is the place,” mormons from the Salt Lake Valley consider themselves as somehow superior to other mormons. It is also curious that mormons refer to non-mormons as “Gentiles,” but they are a rather curious bunch in general..
As a matter of clarification, because of the abuse and trauma I received from them, I do not have enough respect for mormons, freemasons, shriners, satanists, or luciferians to capitalize those words (although the Substacks editor apparently keeps trying to force me to)…”
Not only is his testimony worth the Subscription alone, but he also posts very thought-provoking articles that are done in a simplistic manner through very high-level thought. As someone myself who sees through the ‘Left-Right’, ‘Black-White’ paradigm, Jordan’s work really speaks to my own belief systems and - I believe - would also speak to many of yours. Go follow and support this brave survivor!
One of my favorite article’s of Jordan’s: “On the LOVE of dogs” - CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE
Oh my word is Kate just the most precious! Freemason survivor, Kate Field, just started up her blog called ‘The Deep End’ - so appropriate for her talks about being a survivor while also being a professional fisherwoman! If you remember Kate’s podcast with me she did recently…
…where she courageously shared her testimony for only the second time - then you know you are in for getting ‘all the feels’ from Kate’s new blog.
Kate has such an eloquent and gentle way that she talks about her abuse and she’s one of those people who just radiates pure LOVE. You listen to her speak about what she’s gone through and yet find yourself crying tears of joy in hearing how the Holy Spirit has showed up for her over, and over and over again to redeem, set free, and save her in every moment of need, pain and suffering. Despite going through the unimaginable, Kate understands lessons in love, forgiveness, empathy and compassion are so deep, it’s like getting a glimpse into God’s heart here on Earth.
An excerpt from Kate’s first blog:
“There is a large number of people who only know me as a gal that competes in kayak bass fishing tournaments, or made quirky fishing videos. I was doing pretty good just as all this truth about trauma started unraveling in my life. I had made 6 championships; I had made it into the most elite Tournament of Champions. I had beaten big names, cashed some checks and was doing podcasts left and right about fishing. I was getting sponsors and supposedly living this dream life of traveling and fishing all over America.
Then... POOF. I pretty much disappear off the fishing scene. This past year, my fishing life and adventure gave way to an intense pursuit into trauma recovery and healing. I have had to keep my life all separate, in compartments. Ritual Abuse healing over here in this secret box and fishing over here in this corner, desperately trying to maintain some sanitized public appearance of normalcy. But none of this is normal. At the same time, I am not the only person going through this. We just don’t talk about it; we don’t expose it. But we need to.”
Kate is a hero. Out of 1,000+ years of abuse that ran in her family, it stopped when it ran into her. Kate is just beginning her Substack journey, and I encourage you to go Subscribe and encourage HER as she continues to use her testimony and knowledge to help others who are on their own healing journey feel seen, heard, and not alone.
*One of my favorite articles of Kate’s - “The Deep End” (CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE)
- CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE!You can’t have a list of Substack accounts to follow that chronical child abuse without including Mike Volpe’s astounding body of work. Mike is an independent investigative journalist and reporter who is a fierce warrior for our children and a force to be reckoned with. For well over a decade, he has unrelentingly been blowing the whistle on ‘child-for-profit’ corruption and trafficking within the Family Court system and has featured stories from all around the world. Mike is recognized internationally for his work, and I believe what he has been exposing, learning and teaching the public will be studied for generations to come.
Mike has covered hundreds (if not thousands) of cases of child trafficking happening within the court system and his knowledge on topics such as ‘Parental Alienation’, CPS / foster care, and how these systems look to profit off our children is wildly impressive and conclusive. After over a decade in the field, Mike has statistics for days that cannot be argued with. He has also proven how this isn’t just a ‘United States’ issue, but that these child racketeering systems exist globally in every country.
Mike has been on my podcast numerous times and is one of my most frequent guests. And many of the Family Court whistleblowers who have been on my podcast were either also featured in Mike’s work or introduced to me by Mike. I’m eternally grateful for all his diligence and consistency in continuing to help give parents and their children a voice who have fallen prey to these abusive systems and who are silenced as a result. His work is not to be understated - he is a big player in this arena and as someone who is not a survivor - he deserves our support for stepping into this battlefield and risking it all to give a voice to the voiceless.
Mike also posts all of his podcast appearances and podcast episodes he hosts (he also has his own podcast that you will get access to with your Substack subscription!).
*One of my favorite articles of Mike’s - “Why I Think the System is Ripe to Fail” (CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE)
You can find Mike on my podcast as well!
I hope you all found value in this article - I am here to shine a light on the darkness by helping to be a ‘connector’ to the people you should be following, studying, and learning from. I created my podcast to be a library / catalogue of voices that served as puzzle pieces that would come together to form the puzzle of answers all of us deserve to know. Every testimony gets us one step closer to finishing the puzzle and it’s only with your help and support that we can use this platform as leverage to take down these systems and perpetraitors once and for all!
This list of creators you should Subscribe to is far from being conclusive and is just the first of many lists on this topic and many others I’ll be sharing with you as someone who gets the inside scoop on what my guests are doing and creating. I’ll be sharing lots of other recommendations with you and hope you go support these amazing creators and the work they are doing for the good of all humanity, and for the good of our most precious and innocent life: Our children.
Go do what you do (The ImagiNATION community is SECOND TO NONE!) and Subscribe, hype, comment, like, share and lift these amazing heroes up!
Thank you, Dear Reader, for your fierce support, loyalty, and love. My heart is full knowing so many of you care and I hope I can keep raising the bar and finding more ways to connect with all of you and more ways to keep you connected with the most important voices in the world: Survivors and Survivor Allies.
May God bless you all! I love you all with all my heart <3
Love always,
Emma Katherine
Yes, thank you Emma for being SO dedicated, eloquent, compassionate, and empathic (which is likely how you ended up on this journey) to our "plight!"
Thanks Emma, good idea. I have subscribed to Kate's which was the only one I was not familiar with. I subscribe mostly by RSS these days so i dont get loads of emails and notifications and its far easier to sort through all the posts. I think it has the downside that it doesnt register on peoples subs.