Abuse, Trauma & Mind Control in a Language School & Other Places in Japan
Mind control & associated abuses & traumas experienced after being manipulated into travelling to work as a language teacher at a language school in Japan
Part of Jon Anderson’s Testimony. Being manipulated into travelling to and working in another country and being seriously abused and mistreated there, along with other people. You can find Jon’s entire testimony on his Substack account —>
The Situation in Another Country
In the mid 1990’s I travelled to another country, Japan, to work in a language school. When I arrived there, there were already people in place who were working for the organization that was responsible for mistreating me and others. They had established an environment where they were working on people. By ‘working on people’, I mean the use of mind control, abuse and other traumas. People were either being abused, made to abuse other people or a combination of both. Mind control hypnosis/programming/the system was used on people to facilitate this. People were put under and were abused or made to carry out abuse. By ‘put under’ I mean being put into an altered state of consciousness which I imagine is something similar to being under a strong kind of hypnosis. This leaves people under somebody else’s control and influence. It wasn’t anyone’s choice to be abused and similarly it wasn’t anyone’s choice to carry out the abuse. Whoever was made to, almost certainly wasn’t responsible. They had been put under and instructed to do something to someone. If you refused to do something, and people did, then you were put under further until you were compliant and you were made to do it. There was no way of resisting this. You literally lost control of yourself and all of your functions to someone else. The responsibility for this lay with the organisations and the individuals who were running all of this.
In these environments, some people were involved in organising what was going on and observing it. Almost everyone caught up in this was a victim of it. Even people who seemed to have seniority over others were made to be involved in the abuse at times. Other people involved with the organisations that were responsible would turn up regularly. They regularly, if not always, ordered further abuse against people when they turned up.
The abuse also happened in my home environment, which had strong links to my employer, and in other environments too. It started in my home environment and switched to my work environment. I was taken out of my home and work environment on more than one occasion and abused in other places. I was abused on multiple occasions by at least 10 different people. It’s important to note that most of these people were also victims of abuse. If they were being made to abuse me or someone else, and it was against their will, then they were also being abused at the same time. Some people were made to abuse me more than once. For the most part, I was abused by women when I worked in another country. However, men were also involved in my abuse at times. Some of this abuse was simulated, however even this is still abuse. These men wore the divisional suit.
The people caught up in all of this were from several different nationalities. The Private Company/ The Division were working in collusion with sister companies from other countries. The countries involved included the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, and the host country that we were in. There may have been other countries involved in this too. It was an international operation in an international environment. People had been manipulated into travelling halfway around the world to a strange and new country for the purposes of being mistreated, abused and worked on and exposed to further mind control.
Were People Aware of the Mind Control Being Used on Them?
The abuse was being used as a form of set up and forcible recruitment tool, as well as a form of punishment for not doing what you were supposed to do. People were put under and either abused or made to abuse other people, usually against their will. The people who were made to abuse other people were set up, and forcibly recruited and told they had to work for the people who were part of the organisation that had literally forced them into carrying out the abuse in the first place. At least one person they had abused multiple times was made to abuse another person and was then set up as being an abuser.
I can remember at least one of the people they forced to abuse me, being set up and made to work for them. She was told she would have to make herself available for one hour every week. She would have to sit in a restaurant and see who turned up. If someone turned up while she was waiting, then she would have to work for that person. That might involve having to sleep with people.
I can remember a meeting happening when she was being told she was being set up as a rapist. She was absolutely horrified by the accusation, and she denied any involvement in anything like that at all. She couldn’t accept that she had participated in something like this. She had been forced to carry out several acts of abuse against me. We were friends. I can’t believe that in a normal state of consciousness she would ever have willingly been involved in anything like this at all.
I don’t think she properly understood what was going on. I’m not sure if she understood she had been put under and forced to participate in something. I’m not sure if she could remember what had happened properly. I saw a similar thing happen with another person too. I saw a number of different people who couldn’t remember what had happened to them initially. They went onto to remember partially, or they were told what had happened to them. Incidents of abuse were recorded, and I am aware they showed recordings of the abuse to at least some of the people they had forced to participate in it. From what I witnessed, people didn’t understand what was being done to them and they were left confused, traumatised and horrified by what they had been involved in. These people were not responsible at all. They were also victims of abuse who were very seriously and maliciously being taken advantage of.
I don’t know if people were expected to be involved in any work other than being involved in abuse in these environments. I can only ever remember being a victim of abuse in this situation. As far as I can recall, I wasn’t used for anything else. I think I was used to help set people up. They tried to get me to agree to have sex with other people in front of them on a number of occasions, but I always refused. Other people could remember at least some of what had happened to them when they were back in their conscious state, at least temporarily. However, I couldn’t remember anything.
They established a set of rules that people they were working on had to abide by. Breaches of these rules were used in order to generate further acts of abuse against you and other people, and to generate further debt against them. In other words, you would owe them more.
If you refused to go along with what they wanted, you got abused more and so might other people. If you didn’t understand what was going on, and you wouldn’t cooperate, which would be a natural reaction, you might get abused more and so might other people. If you did something wrong, then you might get abused and so might other people.
There were other rules which resulted in further acts of abuse being carried out. They established a general principle whereby if someone did something to you, for example, they were forced to perform a specific act on you, then you had to do it back to them. That apparently balanced things out. If you refused to, then the same act would be forced upon you four more times and on the other person four times. If someone was made to apologise to you for doing something to you, then you had to accept the apology. If you couldn’t accept the apology for some reason, for example, you couldn’t remember the act of abuse being carried out against you, then it generated further acts of abuse against you and the person who was apologising to you. There was no way to keep to the rules, especially if you couldn’t remember what was going on. You were going to break the rules at some point which would accumulate further abuse against you and possibly other people. The people who were applying these rules knew this. They set people up to fail and then carried out further abuse against them and others as a consequence.
I remember one of my colleagues being told he had to carry out an act of abuse against someone. He was told he had no choice. He could agree to go along with it, or they would force him to. If they had to force him to, then it would be worse. They would make him be involved in further abuse. This particular individual was aware of what was going on, and he knew who these people were. He had clearly been involved with them before, and he was under the impression he had retired from all of that. He clearly hadn’t. He knew what the outcome would be if he refused to cooperate, which would have been worse for him, and possibly for other people too. He didn’t want to be involved in any of it, and he made that clear, but they weren’t listening. He got involved in carrying out the abuse and they attempted to set him up using that against him.
The abuse had to be carried out according to a set of rules. It had to last a certain amount of time, or it didn’t count. For example, a rape was supposed to last for four minutes. If it didn’t last for four minutes, then it didn’t count. It had to be carried out for real, and not simulated. I can remember a colleague arguing with them one day. He was saying it’s supposed to be for one minute and it’s supposed to be simulated. The people involved in this situation pointed out that’s not the way they did things. It’s for real and it’s for four minutes.
Another rule put limits on what you could say to people about what was going on, and when you could say it. There were often meetings after abuse had been carried out to discuss what had happened. People said what they had to say or were made to say and then the meeting was closed. You weren’t allowed to discuss that particular incident anymore. If you did, then you were breaking a rule, and it would result in a consequence. On several occasions people tried to tell me what was happening. At this stage, I had no memory of any of the abuse, and they were given the task of trying to explain what was happening to me. However, they seemed to be limited in what they could say, and they were being observed. I didn’t know what they were trying to say to me at the time. Without any memory of it, it made no sense.
People Discovering I Couldn’t Remember
I was also put under supervision or management by The Private Company. I was initially told this was for six months or one year. This was another game they played to generate further acts of abuse against me and other people. They told me at a meeting this was because I had refused to carry out a serious act of abuse against someone. They were punishing me for not doing what they wanted me to do. The meeting happened when I was under. When I was back in my normal state of consciousness, I couldn’t remember having the meeting. I had no idea I was under supervision.
Being put under supervision meant that people were put in charge of you, and you had to do what they told you to do. There were people in my place of work and people in my home environment who were put in charge of me. They had to tell me to do things a certain number of times a day. If I refused to do them, then they could report me. The rules were if I did anything wrong, which meant not doing what people told me to do, then I would be raped. The majority of people were very responsible about what they told me to do. Most of them told me to do something I was just about to do or something that was part of my job. I had no idea that any of this was going on at the time. I was confused at times by why people were asking me to do things I was just about to do. The majority of people didn’t like the situation I was caught up in at all. Other people were less tactful, and I refused to do what they were asking because it was unreasonable. Bear in mind I didn’t know I was under any kind of supervision, and I didn’t know what the consequence could be for not doing something they told me to do. These people were aware. For example, I refused to make someone a cup of tea one day when they demanded I did after I just sat down. This particular individual threatened to report me on several occasions, but I had no idea what he was talking about. At work one day, someone threw a piece of paper on the floor and told me to pick it up. I refused and they complained. This resulted in a punishment rape being ordered against me, which was carried out by members of The Private Companies sister company in the country that we were in. The person who reported me, a young woman from another country, also got punishment raped when a member of The Private Company from Britain turned up and investigated the circumstances in which I had been complained about. He deemed the complaint to be unreasonable. The whole thing was a set up from the start. It generated further abuse against two people. It created some kind of justification for ordering the abuse. I believe the person who complained about me was significantly influenced into making the complaint about me and she wasn’t aware of what was going to happen to her. She was also a victim of what was going on.
The Abuse of my Girlfriend
They also carried out a number of very serious acts of abuse against my girlfriend. She worked at the same language school, and she was from the host country that we were in. I believe she had been worked on and subjected to mind control before we ever met. In fact, I believe this is the case for everyone that was being worked on in my home and work environment. I don’t think any of us had arrived fresh without having been subjected to mind control and possible abuse before. I think most of us had been worked on for a very significant amount of time in our own countries before we ever ended up there. I don’t think it was an accident that my girlfriend ended up in this environment and I don’t think it was an accident that we ended up together.
When they started to order abuse against her, they claimed it was because of things I had or hadn’t done. The first time they ordered a rape against her they used the excuse that I wouldn’t accept an apology from someone who had abused me, so they ordered abuse against my girlfriend. They said abusing me wasn’t working so they were going to try abusing my girlfriend instead. They gave the impression they were using this as a reason to pressure me into working for them. If I agreed to, then they wouldn’t abuse her. However, I don’t believe this is true. They knew I couldn’t remember what was going on and they knew I wouldn’t be able to act on what they were saying. They were looking for reasons and excuses to carry out abuse against other people they had probably already made plans to carry out abuse against. They went on to forcibly recruit her into having to work for them. They ordered a significant amount of further abuse against her. One of the things they used her for was to help them set other people up. The lowest point in my life is when I started to remember what they did to my girlfriend. When I remembered what they did to me, it was bad. It was very traumatic. I would sit there shaking. When I remembered what they did to her, it was worse.
Using People Against Each Other
They turned people against each other. Initially, at least some of the people I worked with didn’t know I couldn’t remember what was happening. They thought I would step in and stop the abuse that was ordered against my girlfriend from happening and were surprised when I didn’t. The reality was I couldn’t, although other people didn’t know this at the time. By the time they did realize this, a lot more abuse had been carried out against me and other people. A number of people who were involved with the organizations who were running the environment turned up and confirmed that I couldn’t remember anything that happened to me when I was under. It was tested out on more than one occasion by different people.
My girlfriend was initially told that I would step in and stop the abuse that had been ordered against her from being carried out. For the reasons I have discussed above I couldn’t and the people who were organising it knew that. She was abused on a number of further occasions before she learned that I didn’t know what was going on and I couldn’t remember. They tricked a colleague into carrying out the rape against her after she had been put under. He was also put under, and was misled into believing it was a consensual act.
A number of my colleagues, one especially, a young woman called Amica, got involved in carrying out various acts of mistreatment against me on the basis of things she was told by the people organising my abuse and mistreatment. She was told I was ‘a system’ who wouldn’t do ‘a system’ and it was their job to mistreat me to the point that I would do what I was supposed to. ‘A system’ is someone who works for people under the influence of mind control. However, this wasn’t the case at all. I wasn’t ‘a system’ and I couldn’t be one. It wasn’t until Milner turned up and set the record straight about a number of things that they learned this. The way that one of them had mistreated me was used against her to get her into trouble with them.
The Apology
I can remember a man who worked for The Private Company turning up at my home. I was put under and he spoke to me about the abuse that I had been put through. At the time I couldn’t remember any of it. I didn’t know what he was talking about. He told me if I didn’t accept an apology then he would have my girlfriend raped. This was in accordance with the rules they applied to people. I was under, and I had no idea what was going on. The man who was talking to me knew this. Mind control hypnosis/the system had been used to make me forget everything that happened to me when I was under. The meeting ended and when I was back in my normal state of consciousness, I couldn’t remember anything about the meeting. I had no idea what he was organising or what was happening. Again, he knew this. He wasn’t really offering me an apology at all. He was generating a situation in which I broke a rule and he could use that to order punishment against someone else associated with me. They were deliberately setting me up to fail and he was using this as an excuse to do whatever he wanted to whoever he wanted. I can remember hearing him referred to as ‘Peter the Raper’. His job was to organise abuse against people on behalf of his employer. I couldn’t stop them from doing anything to my girlfriend because I couldn’t remember what was happening. I don’t think it would have made any difference if I could. They would have done what they wanted to her and other people regardless.
In this situation, they were using the fact that I couldn’t accept an apology properly as a reason to carry out a serious act of abuse against someone else. There is absolutely no justification to carry out any act of rape or abuse against anyone. Not being able to accept an apology from someone who has carried out abuse against you is not a justifiable reason to further abuse that person or people close to them. These people do not have a normal set of ethics or morals or standards. They create their own warped and exploitative rules and impose them on other people without any consent and people have no way out. They were constantly generating further abuse and debts against people using any excuse they could. The rules they established supported them in doing this.
Me and my girlfriend were the two most vulnerable people in the whole of this situation. I was experiencing ongoing and worsening health problems, and my girlfriend had had significant issues in the past and suffered a lot with stress and low energy levels, which made everyday life difficult for her to cope with and get through at times. I was experiencing health problems because of what people were doing to me using mind control/the system. I assume the same was true for her. We were made vulnerable and then we were targeted with the most serious and ongoing abuse. As far as I am aware, we were the people that got abused more than anyone else. It seems that some people were made to carry out more acts of abuse and didn’t get abused that much, whereas other people got abused a lot more. When people were made to carry out acts of abuse, they were still being abused. I have got the impression from things I have heard over the years that the people who get abused are lower down the order of things. She could remember some of what that was happening, but I couldn’t. On occasions she made references to what was happening, but I didn’t understand what she was trying to say. It seems they made people vulnerable and then targeted them with the majority of the abuse. That’s the way it happened in the environment that we were in at least.
The Number of Victims
In the place that I worked there were at least ten individuals, including myself, from several different nationalities who were either made to carry out acts of abuse against their will, or were abused against their will, or a combination of both. At least some of these people were abused on multiple occasions. There were several other people involved in organising and managing things. These numbers exclude people who turned up from outside of the environment to get involved in the abuse, or the organisation and management of it. In my home environment, there were at least three people including myself who were being forcibly abused. At least two people came into this environment from outside and got involved in acts of abuse. At least one person living in the house was forced to carry out a serious act of abuse in another environment. There were several other people living in the environment that were ‘working’ for the organisations involved. They didn’t like what was going on and they didn’t want to be involved in the situation. I don’t think they had a choice about whether they worked for them or not. As far as I can make it, this wasn’t just an abuse ring. I believe this was part of the mind control process they were carrying out on all of the individuals they were working on. They were forcibly recruiting at least some of the people they were abusing in to having to work for them, or they had recruited them before the abuse began.
Members of The Private Company produced a document, claiming they owned me and my girlfriend. This is another one of the games they played. They established rules of ownership which meant they could own you for 10 years and you had to do whatever they told you to do. They wanted me to take ownership of my girlfriend. They explained she would have to do whatever I told her to do. I could let her go after a year or two if I wanted. I had absolutely no interest in owning someone and I gave her her freedom straight away. They made a similar offer to her. This meant whatever she told me to do I would also have to do. I think the idea was they would then force us to make the other person do various things. Afterwards, Mr Smith, The Private Company employee who threw me into an abuse ring when I was a teenager, told me their plan was to make me do bad things to her, and make her do bad things to me. I was told I had ruined their plan. They repeatedly tried to play us off against each other in several different situations. These were very dark situations that involved significant abuse and mistreatment.
The Abuse Carried Out by the Sister Company
I was also abused and mistreated by members of The Private Companies sister company in the country that we were in, on at least four different occasions. These included once at work and at three separate locations, including their clubhouse, and a place they told me was a brothel they ran. I was put under and taken there on a number of occasions. They were trying to force me to work there as a form of punishment. They wanted me to report there on three evenings a week but reduced it to two because of the state of my health. There was also another young western man attending there as a form of punishment. He also wore the divisional suit which was very similar to the suit that I had purchased when I was on holiday, which they told me they had supplied me with. Initially, they made attempts to train me and tell me what I had to do. This involved putting me under and carrying out sexual acts against me and trying to force me into carrying out sexual acts against other people. They attempted to train me to carry out certain sex acts. This is what their clients would have expected. I refused to participate in anything there. I didn’t want to be there, and I had been taken there and made to report there against my will. I told them I had a girlfriend and I didn’t want to sleep with anyone else. They weren’t concerned about this.
They used members of their sister company to carry out a punishment rape against me. The rape may have been simulated, or they may have attempted to carry it out for real, however I think they failed to for various reasons. The other abuse surrounding the rape was real. I was told when they make a man carry out an act of abuse against another man then the rape is simulated. I’m not sure if this is always true. When the abuse involves a man and a woman, then it isn’t simulated. The punishment rape was carried out by four men who wore the divisional suit.
On another occasion, I was put under and taken from my home against my will. I was taken to the office of The Private Company in the country that we were in. I was made to lie on the floor in what I was led to believe was the club room. A woman who was a national of the country that we were in, and was about the same age as me, came in and raped me. She worked for their organisation and I believe this was some kind of initiation for her. Things didn’t go as planned. Things were supposed to be carried out in a particular way and a set of rules were supposed to be observed.
They weren’t very happy with me, because things didn’t go as they were supposed to, or so I was led to believe. Afterwards I can remember being very weak and tired and I struggled to get off the floor. I was already in poor health and I was struggling to manage things. I leaned on a cabinet which contained some ceremonial plates which seemed to be important to the organisation. They weren’t very happy about that either. I was taken onto the roof of the building. I was struggling to walk properly and I couldn’t manage the steps up to the roof very easily. They didn’t seem to understand that I wasn’t in good health. I was made to stand on the roof with them while they made some phone calls to determine whether they should throw me off the roof or not. I was led to believe this was because things hadn’t gone the way they were supposed to go. We were about eight stories up. I remember them showing me the drop. We went back downstairs after a while. At some point they said they thought I was a proper member of their organisation or something like that. They were under the impression I was an ‘agent’ within the organisation and it was okay for them to use me in this way and I should be able to observe all of the rules and go along with things as expected. A number of other people who were being abused and mistreated were under the impression they had been recruited as ‘agents’. They had to do what they were told to do by the people in charge. This included carrying out abuse against people. They were trying to give me the impression they thought I was someone they could do this too, and I would have to go along with it and there wouldn’t be any problems. At some point they said they didn’t realise I wasn’t capable. There were further meetings and conversations about this incident following on from this.
Another man who wore the divisional suit turned up at my place of work and simulated raping me after putting me under. He had to turn up twice. On the first occasion I wasn’t wearing my suit which I had been told to wear on all occasions. I think this was used to identify me. Someone else pointed me out to him, but I don’t think he wanted to take the chance. He came back on another day when I was wearing the suit. He also offered me compensation afterwards, possibly on another visit, which was part of the routine. I was told another group of people kept all the compensation I was owed for being abused. I was told this from my teenage years onwards. I don’t think this compensation was real. I think it was used as something to string people along with and possibly annoy and demean people with. I heard a number of other people talking about it over the years and they seemed to think they were owed compensation. It never seemed to materialize for anyone.
Mind Control Programming and Hypnosis, the System, & Being Put Under
On every occasion that I was abused from my childhood onwards, I was put under first. The abuse was then carried out. I couldn’t remember any of it happening afterwards, when I was back in my normal state of consciousness. Even when I was still under, I quickly forgot things and often couldn’t remember what had just happened to me. The people who were made to be involved in the abuse were also put under. When you are in this altered state of consciousness, you can be made to do things, even if you don’t want to do them. For example, on one occasion when someone was preparing to have someone carry out an act of abuse against me at work (this was at the end of the day when most of the abuse was carried out), I was standing up and I can remember being told to lie down on the floor. I can remember arguing with them and telling them that I didn’t want to lie down on the floor. While I was arguing with them, my body was going through the motions of getting onto the floor. This wasn’t that easy for me to do as my health problems had considerably affected my mobility at this point. Something else had literally taken me over and I was being made to do what I was told to do regardless of the fact I didn’t want to and I was attempting to resist it. My mind was saying one thing, and my body was doing another. In the same situation, I can remember someone being called to the room and being told to carry out an act of abuse against me. She didn’t want to, and she refused to. She was put under further and forced to. I can remember her being very distressed and upset. I can remember her saying to me that she had to do it and if she didn’t, she would be raped four times. This person clearly didn’t want to do what she was being made to do. When you were put under, there was no way you could resist doing something if you were being made to. Mind control hypnosis/programming/the system was used to override your will and at that point you became a passenger in your own body with someone else in control of it. Somehow, someone had hacked you. Even if you were resisting, you would find yourself going through the motions of what someone else was telling you to do. In these situations, there were only victims. The people being made to carry out the acts of abuse were also being abused at the same time that the person being abused was. The person coercing, forcing and controlling people after they had put them under, (or they had been put under), as far as they needed to to make them compliant was the person responsible.
I was left with no memory of what had happened to me when I was back in my normal state of consciousness. This was part of the mind control hypnosis/programming/the system. This left me unable to do anything about it. I couldn’t walk away from the situation, I couldn’t stop it from happening to me, I couldn’t try to report it to anyone. I was left without having any way of helping myself or anyone else out of the situation. The abuse just continued. Some people could remember at least some of what happened to them at least some of the time. People made regular references to what was going on. People regularly told me what had happened to me without going into lots of detail. For example, a colleague at work told me she had raped me. I couldn’t remember the incident and I didn’t know why someone was saying this to me. A group of colleagues tried to tell me that someone turned up at our place of work and raped me. Again, I had no idea why they were saying this to me. I had no memory of the incident. What do you do when someone says really the odd and strange things to you that don’t make any sense? In my circumstances, I disregarded what people were trying to say to me and carried on. Someone else told me she had been raped. I thought she must have been talking about an incident earlier in her life. I didn’t know she was probably referencing something that had happened in the circumstances we were caught up in.
I think these references to what was happening formed part of the rules. People had to tell you what they had done to you, or what had happened to you at times. I’m pretty certain if they weren’t supposed to, or they weren’t being allowed to, then they wouldn’t have made those comments. These kind of comments and references to abuse had been made to me since I was a teenager. Sometimes people said more, and went into a bit more detail, but I still didn’t remember anything happening to me. I think this was frustrating and infuriating for the people trying to tell me things at times. I don’t think it was an accident that I couldn’t remember. I think things were this way by design. Other people seemed to understand more about what was happening and they could remember more of what had happened to me and to them, although this may only have been temporarily. They may have been allowed to remember when they were required to remember for some reason, and made to forget when they didn’t need to remember. This was done through the use of mind control hypnosis/programming/the system.
Even if you could remember what had happened to you, and you managed to retain that information, I think it would be very difficult to get out of these circumstances. Considering the nature of the organisations involved in carrying out the abuse, where could you go and who could you report it to? Even if someone took you seriously, the investigation would be significantly interfered with from above.
How could you get yourself out of of these circumstances? I don’t recall anyone else being able to walk away, even if they could remember what was happening to them. They were still caught up in it. The people responsible for abusing them would have to let them go and not bother them anymore. That was their only way out. You couldn’t unplug yourself from this situation, in the same way that you couldn’t unplug yourself from the hypnosis, or the system, or the mind control, or the programming. You are caught up in it and it would take someone else to let you go from it or disconnect you from it. You are enslaved by it until somebody does. You can’t disconnect yourself from all of the torture and torment and trauma that they are putting you through. I heard a number of times over the years that these people never let anyone go. That has proven to be the case up to the moment of writing. They have been involved in my life for 40 years plus, so far.
They can turn up whenever they want wherever they want, put you under and do things to you and leave you with no memory of it. They have done this repeatedly over the years. It’s not always abuse. Sometimes it’s being made to report to places and to go for meetings and discussions about what’s going on, but the abuse has been an integral part of it.
Mention of Slave Programming
When I was at work one day, one of the people responsible for organizing and observing things talked to me about slave programming. I had no idea what this was. They gave me a magazine which had an article in it which explained a lot of things about it. They often used magazines with articles inside them in order to inform you about things that were going on around you, that were happening to you, and that you were being made to be part of. This happened when I returned to the UK on a number of occasions. The articles are inserted into a magazine. They aren’t really part of it. I guess putting them into a magazine makes them look more realistic and it’s a bit more subtle than just putting a piece of paper in front of you.
I learned that slave programming was something that was used to make you more helpful and compliant. I was told it had been used on me. The same individual also talked to me about programming. I can remember them telling me that if you get involved in programming or learn about programming, then they want you to use it. I get the impression you wouldn’t have much of a choice. I think this came out in the general discussion about programming. References were also made to slave programming when I returned to the UK. I could remember being told the term for some reason and I looked it up on the Internet to find out more about it. I couldn’t find anything. After I looked it up, I was approached in the street by two men who asked me if I was going to use slave programming on someone. I told them I wasn’t. I told them I could remember being talked to about it and I could remember being told it had been done to me, so I was trying to find out what it was exactly. They told me it would have been a problem if I was intending to use it on someone else.
There were a number of other references to programming and a programmer over the years. I can remember meeting the programmer on a number of occasions. The programmer is the person who carries out the programming. I was told he did very unpleasant things to people he didn’t like using programming. I was also told he programmed people for his own entertainment and gratification. This involved abusing those people or making them carry out sex acts on him. If they were programmed or they were under the influence of mind control hypnosis/the system, they wouldn’t be able to resist being made to do this.
I can remember a number of other conversations happening with other people when unusual things were said to me. Someone involved with The Private Company told me that ‘Your life is not your own’. They also told me I owed a debt that I would never be able to repay. I think I was being told I was going to have to work for these people. The use of mind control and programming would have been part of this. I’m not sure if he was referencing this when he said, ‘Your life is not your own’, but it would make sense if he was.
More About Some of the People Who Worked for the Responsible Organizations Who Turned Up in the Environments in Another Country
A number of different people turned up wearing the same suit. They were part of the same organisation and it was international. There were sister companies based in several different countries. I saw people from three different countries wearing the same suit. They told me the suit was cut slightly differently for each country. It was referred to as an ‘agent’s suit’ or the ‘divisional suit’. Not everyone who turned up wore this particular suit. There were other people involved. I ended up purchasing one of these suits when I went on holiday for a few weeks without knowing what it was part of. I believe the situation where I purchased it was set up. When I returned to work in another country people pointed out I had the same suit as them and I was part of the same organisation. I wasn’t. I had no idea what they were talking about. People turned up and made an attempt to recruit me into working for them. They indicated they were part of the security services. I don’t doubt they were for one minute. I had no interest in working in that world, I never have had, and I refused repeatedly. I pointed out I was in poor health, and I wouldn’t be able to manage it. I don’t think this was a genuine attempt at recruitment. I think they were trying to get me to agree to join their organisation which would make it easier for them to continue to mistreat me. I didn’t agree but they told me they would make me part of their organisation anyway. They even gave me an agent name. It sounded like some kind of Latin word, or some unusual language. It seems in a lot of situations, at first they attempted to get you to go along with what they wanted by spinning you a line. If you refused to go along with it, they made you a part of their plans anyway. They were always going to. You didn’t have any choice. They tried to give you the illusion of it to start with. I heard a number of different job titles or roles mentioned. An agent, a worker, an intern, a person, a system.
A number of other people in the same environments thought they had been recruited as ‘agents’. They were then used in abuse and abuse was carried out against them. Abuse was part of what they had to do. I can remember someone who was involved in abusing me telling me they were an ‘agent’, and it was their duty and they had to carry out the act of abuse against me. I think they told me they had to do what they were told to do. She had previously been shown how to carry out acts of abuse against me, along with another person, by someone called Britney who was involved in helping to organise and arrange it. Britney is a reference to Britain. Britney worked for or took orders from the organisation who were responsible for the abuse. The idea was they were helping to ‘wear me down’. They were told to abuse me on a regular basis. We were always under when the abuse was going on. They were either programmed or under the influence of mind control hypnosis/the system and they were being told various things and absorbing and acting on them without really realising or understanding what they were doing. They were not willing participants. They were also being abused at the same time. On a number of occasions people turned up when the abuse was going on and they observed it happening. They may have been there to help organize it and give instructions too.
The Environments Where Mind Control Hypnosis/Programming and Associated Abuses Were Carried Out in Another Country
This environment wasn’t set up exclusively for me. There were a number of other people being worked on just like I was. I think some people were worse affected than others. Three of us from the same country who worked together and who were being worked on, were spoken to about it one day. I was told that I was in the harshest system. The other two were told their systems weren’t as harsh. I don’t know if this is true. They were still being worked on and they had both been subjected to at least one incident of abuse. One of them was experiencing ongoing chronic fatigue and muscular problems similar in some respects to what I was experiencing, although not quite as bad. I believe this was probably caused by the use of mind control hypnosis/programming/the system. There were a number of other people from my own country in my work and home environment who were also being worked on and were caught up in the abuse. There were people from the host nation caught up in it and people from other countries too.
I don’t think the mind control and associated abuse that was going on in these environments began when I arrived. I think it probably happened to other people before I ever set foot in the country. The environment had already been set up to carry this out. There were a lot of people already in place and some of them had been there for a number of years before I arrived. There were too many people in place for something to be so short run. I think people arrived and were put through the mind control hypnosis/programming/the system and associated abuses mill and left, only to be replaced by other people. I imagine it continued after I left, entirely independently from me.
I think this is one of the ways this faction of the security services operate. They used these environments in order to inflict further mind control hypnosis/programming/the system and associated abuses on people. They forcibly recruited a number of people into having to work for them. I think the majority of people, if not all of the people who were being worked on, had been exposed to mind control hypnosis/programming/the system and things associated with it in the long-term before they ever arrived in this country. This particular environment allowed for a lot of concentrated activity after people had been manipulated into travelling halfway around the world away from their own home environment, family and friends. They had gathered a lot of people they were working on altogether in the same environments, and they had people in place ready to assist with working on them. It was much easier to put people through these kinds of abuses when they were away from their own countries in environments specifically set up to support it.
I think they made use of different people in different ways. I couldn’t be turned into a system no matter how hard they tried. However, they did use me to help them set up other people. This was done by putting people under and forcing them to abuse me. I was also under, and unable to stop them. This was done without my consent and knowledge.
This wasn’t a situation of abuse where rich and powerful people are carrying out acts of abuse against vulnerable people and making pacts together or being set up. It was an environment in which mostly younger adults from a number of different countries were manipulated into travelling to and were subject to mind control hypnosis/programming/the system and the associated abuses and mistreatment that went with it, and were forced in to working for the various sister companies from a number of different countries that worked within the security services and associated organisations. These young adults, mostly in their early to mid 20’s, weren’t rich, powerful or famous in any way at all. I don’t think they had any significant influence anywhere as far as I can tell. They were from relatively ordinary backgrounds. They were being abused and mistreated and forcibly recruited into something. They had probably been targeted for most of their lives, just like I have been.
I think the use of mind control hypnosis/programming/the system and the associated traumas and abuses is probably much more widespread and mundane than most people would think. It is not just limited to a small number of people who might be turned into assassins, which I think is probably the popular view. I think it probably runs right through the social spectrum. There are probably people right at the top of society and in government who are under the influence of mind control, as well as people in the middle classes and in the working classes. This gives the organisations that are behind it a massive scope of influence in the way everything is run in a whole range of different places and environments. It gives them the capability to enormously influence outcomes and decisions. I don’t know how they have gone onto use the people that were caught up in the same situation that I was caught up in. I don’t know what they have involved them in. I am making an educated guess that the majority of them are probably living relatively ordinary lives, at least on the surface, out there in the world somewhere, giving access to the people who are still influencing them to whatever environment they find themselves in, or are manipulated into being in.
As for me, my health continued to deteriorate and in 1998 my health crashed and I was no longer able to work. I had to return home. I lost everything. I lost my relationship, I lost my job, I lost my home and my friendships. I lost all of all of my opportunities going forward in life. I lost my future. I was even prevented from practising my own faith. This wasn’t the first time this had been interfered with. It had also been interfered with when I was a teenager. My health never recovered. My health was being deteriorated through the use of mind control hypnosis/programming/the system. While I was working in another country, I was told on more than one occasion that I was being ‘worn down’. Years later, I was told more than once that my health had been taken away from me bit by a bit.
Everything that I witnessed and experienced happened in one branch of the language school that I worked in and in my home environment as well as in several other environments that I was taken to. I’m pretty certain this was going on in other branches of the same language school. People were brought in one day from other branches of the same school to be involved in a serious act of abuse against someone. A number of people that I lived with who were being targeted and worked on also worked for the same language school but in several different branches. It’s almost a certainty that they had been manipulated into travelling into this particular environment for the same or similar reasons that I had. I suspect at least one of them went on to be mistreated independently of me. I don’t know what happened to the others.
At least one person that I worked with continued to be mistreated, despite the fact they didn’t have an association with me anymore. I don’t know what happened to all of the others, but I strongly suspect a significant number, if not all of the people who were being mistreated in either my home or work environment, continued to be mistreated in one way or another after I left those environments. I don’t think they let anyone go.
When I returned to the UK, I found out that people who were caught up in the same situation when I was younger were still involved in it. They hadn’t let those people go from it. I was told they would never let me go. I suspect the same is true for everyone else too.
If this was happening in several branches of one language school in one country as well as in peoples home environments, then there is a strong possibility that this was happening, and is still happening, in language schools and possibly other environments, in other countries around the world. It is relatively easy to manipulate someone you have been targeting for most of their lives with mind control hypnosis/programming/the system into travelling to another country, into an environment that you have set up to carry out further exposure to mind control and acts of abuse against them for whatever reason. A language school is an obvious environment to traffic lots of young adults into, who may be interested in travelling and exploring some of the world and other cultures. Other environments may also be in use. At least several different western axis countries were working in collusion to work on people in these environments. The scale of these abuses and mistreatment could be much more widespread and significant than I am aware of. I don’t know when it started. I don’t know where it ends.
Final Thought
The country that I worked in is Japan. Japan is not the problem. My ordinary everyday experiences in my normal state of consciousness were good. The people that I met there were very welcoming and very friendly. I have nothing against Japan or the Japanese people at all. Unfortunately, a number of Japanese people were also victims of these abuses, as well as foreigners who arrived to work there.
They are not the problem. The organisations involved in running mind control hypnosis/programming/the system and all of the associated traumas and abuses are the problem. They have one of their sister companies or organisations in Japan. However, that doesn’t represent or speak for Japan or it’s people, in the same way that the same organisation that operates in the UK doesn’t represent Britain or the people of Britain. I imagine the same is true about the same organisations in the US, Australia and Canada. I can also confirm that at least one foreign national was manipulated or forced into travelling to Britain and was very significantly mistreated while she was here. I don’t know whether these centres for organised mind control hypnosis/programming/the system and associated organisations exist all over the world or whether they are just in certain places. There could well be similar language schools and other environments in Britain, Australia, the US, Canada, and so on, that are being used to mistreat people from other countries. The ordinary people of these countries or the countries themselves are not the problem. It is a handful of people who are operating internationally, and nation states or borders don’t seem to be any problem for them.
Jon Anderson —>
It would be helpful to know more details about the companies involved in recruiting and running this language school -- so they could be investigated or at least avoided....