Dear Reader,
I wanted to share a vision I’ve had since the inception of my decision to interview survivors. When I talk to God, I seldom get visions. I get a lot of feelings, huntches and even very short commands, but He rarely speaks to me in visuals (I’m always in sheer awe of how uniquely and perfectly personalized God is in His communication with us!).
First - a little backstory:
For over a decade, I had a dream of starting a podcast. After I moved away from home to a new city all alone at age 22, I was super poor and had so much to learn and I discovered podcasts were free and easy ways to learn just about anything. Just about every career / job I’ve had has required a ton of driving, so it became a way for me to devour information on topics that interested me. With gratitude in my heart for all the creators I had listened to who devoted their time and energy to make free podcasts, I made a promise to myself that when the right idea came along, I’d ‘pay it forward’ by making a podcast of my own.
Then in 2020 while the world was getting ‘weird’ (to say the least!), I had a command very strongly communicated to me while I was praying to “Start a podcast”. Not a question - a command. So I obeyed. I wrote a big list of potential podcast titles (mind you - I had NO idea I was going to be interviewing survivors) and kept them all vague so it didn’t pigeon-hole me into one specific topic since I didn’t have a direction yet. To my dismay, after going down the list of potential titles for my podcast, I discovered that not a single one was an original name. Most of the titles I chose were already chosen and active - except ‘The Imagination Podcast’. I had found many podcasts that had the word ‘Imagination’ in it and one other podcast that (I think) was called ‘Imagination Podcast’ - but it had been inactive for a couple years and only had a few episodes. So, I chose the name that had the least amount of popularity in the podcast world and loved the idea of gathering people together to imagine a better world. It’s what I daydreamed about daily and what I felt called to do in my own day-to-day life. The one requirement I did have was that I didn’t want my podacst to have my name in it. I didn’t feel in my heart this show would be for me or about me in any way and wanted to name the podcast after a vision or idea instead. I could also do some wordplay with it like calling it ‘The ImagiNation’ for example. The title felt meant to be and I settled on it.
After that, I was lost on what to do next. I setup my podcast, hired a graphic designer to create a somewhat broad graphic (I knew I didn’t want my name or face in the graphic) and with the very unspecific guidelines I was able to provide, the graphic designer came up with a simple graphic, logo and font that was unique and unspecific all at once and could allow me some time to use my own imagination to decide what the heck I was going to talk about on this random podcast I was being called to create.
I was without an idea for what do do on my podcast for months on end. I kept praying on it and knew I’d be guided to the answer when the time was right.
One more thing I should add is that God seldom gives me all the details for anything He guides me to do. I often get a piece of information stated to me very strongly first. A nudge. An unbearably urgent nudge. A nudge that makes no sense oftentimes but that feels so ‘urgent’ that I literally feel like I’m going to crawl out of my skin if I don’t listen or obey. I always know these nudges are for my greater good, but it can often times feel like blind faith - which is terribly uncomfortable at times. However - it has bever been MORE uncomfortable than ignoring what I’m being called to do. So, I’ve learned to obey and not question God. When I’m pushed with haste to get a task done, I take great responsibility to follow the lead of Holy Spirit.
So anyways.
Months go by and still nothing. So, in the meantime, I started to research conspiracies and (long story short) stumbled on information about child trafficking which inevitably led me to discover satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and trauma-based mind control / MK ULTRA existed.
Once again came down with a terribly urgent feeling but this time it wasn’t accompanied with a command. Just this uneasy feeling like I should be doing something to bring awareness to these heinous things I was reading about, but I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I worked (and still work) full-time and was trying to think of what I could do to make this awful feeling go away. It felt kind of like guilt. Like there was something I was supposed to be doing but wasn’t. Reminiscent of putting something important to the side you know you need to do, but aren’t doing.
Well, one day mid-2020, God visited me in my prayers. On this particular day, I was frustrated because I was looking through Apple and Spotify podcasts for a podcast that featured survivors of these horrible things I was learning about and couldn’t.. find… a… single… one (*disclaimer - this doesn’t mean none existed - it means I wasn’t finding them. I now know of a handful of podcasts that feature survivors once in a while or consistently that I am subscribed to).
In my frustration, I remember thinking, “How is there NO ONE interviewing survivors? I would love to listen to some of these testimonies in my long commutes for work and I’m discouraged I’m finding ALL third-party people and organizations telling survivor stories FOR survivors. Why is no one interviewing these walking miracles?”
Aaaaaaand in came a command that I heard and felt so strongly that it shook me to my core.
“Why don’t YOU do the podcast you wish existed? You already have it all setup.”
Well. Ok.
*Nervous laugh
I remember asking God, “You want ME to do this? I’ve never interviewed anyone and am SO new to learning about all this stuff.”
And I received a vision to accompany this command (now we are at the main point of this article - thanks for sticking around, Dear Reader):
This vision was important because it grounded me to remember that I didn’t create this podcast to be about me. And yet here I am frantically telling God my insecurities about being ‘too green’ to take on this task.
The vision was this:
I was very clearly shown a MASSIVE battlefield. It kind of reminded me of a war scene in a movie where as far as the eye can see (left, right, front, and back) there are armies of warriors ready at any moment to charge at each other and fight until the death (or win). Except in my war scene, I saw a total imbalance. On one side of the battlefield were people wearing all black who had a very dark feeling. This side of the battlefield didn’t have many people standing on it. There WERE a lot of people - but not in comparison to the other side. I quickly identified this side of the battlefield to be child abusers and perpetraitors who will never repent to God and who consciously choose to abuse our little ones. This side of the battlefield looked evil and dark but compared to the other side of the battlefield, it looked weak.
And on the other side of the battlefield, I saw a massive group of survivors standing on the front line of the battlefield, and behind them - as far as the eye could see - was an army of support behind them. People like you and I. Helpers, allies, protectors… The battlefield was divided, but it was clear who would win once the battle began. There was no contest. I get chills everytime I remember this vision (I keep it close to my heart) just like I did when it was first shown to me.
I saw the battle between good and evil. The battle between child perpetraitors and child protectors. Between survivors and predators. And the perpetraitors and predators were impossibly outnumbered.
Let us not forget who this battle is between. Let us not get tied up in ‘Red vs Blue’, ‘Black vs White’, ‘This vs That’. You see - it’s all a setup so we never come to the conclusion that the battle we are fighting is actually Us vs Them (‘them’ being child perpetraitors and predators). Everything else is a lie to keep us from figuring this out. Because if we all DID figure this out, they’d have NO chance - and they know it or else they wouldn’t craft all these other ‘You vs Me’ distractions that take our eyes off the real enemy: THEM.
This vision also makes me emotional to think about and contemplate because there is NOTHING these survivors who are stepping up to share their testimonies deserve more than to have an entire army of people backing them up. They’ve deserved this their entire lives. It was so powerful to see a vision of what it would look like if billions of people teamed up against the few. I saw every survivor with no fear on their face. No one ran away. These weren’t victims anymore - they were warriors. And the opposing side of evil looked WEAK in comparison (which is TRUE as we speak).
I tell you this story because it’s been a motivation for me that actually changed my life in a moment to witness. I must think about this vision at least once per day if not more. I am just one person, but an army of one is a bigger army than an army of zero. I also knew I couldn’t be alone and that maybe all this movement needed was some organization. Satan has his army working overtime in extreme organization - maybe that’s what we needed too: A reason to put our differences aside and unite together for a common mission we can all get behind to save the children. This issue has no ‘side’. You’re either protecting children OR - you’re a perpetraitor. There is no inbetween.
Often people ask me what they can do to help contribute. I do not have any one answer to this question, but I do have AN answer to this question that we can ALL do: Stand by survivors. Actively PICK A SIDE and be UNRELENTING in your stance. BE THE FRIEND, SUPPORT SYSTEM, HYPE GIRL / GUY, ENCOURAGER, PROTECTOR, AND ARMY SURVIVORS OF ABUSE NEVER HAD. They NEED us behind them as they one by one stand up to shine a light in the dark. Their light gets 100 times brighter when we shine our lights in the same direction as them. I SAW what this looked like. And I can bet that you can see it too now.
All this to say that this vision was a huge reason I’m doing my podcast and why I will never back down from doing this work. When you realize HOW much help you can be simply by standing by survivors, you realize YOU have an important role and obligation as soldier of God.
This is what we need to come together for.
The ONLY sides there are are ‘Child Protectors vs Child Predators’.
This is your reminder to NOT lose sight of this as so many have and to instead keep your focus on being a protector of these walking miracles who are one by one sharing with us the secrets of the world that we aren’t supposed to know and that they weren’t supposed to say. That we are learning these secrets from literal warriors who defied ALL odds against them to speak their truth through their testimonies.
Survivors need your support. Your loud, protective support. Your unwavering support. They need you standing behind them backing them up as they take the battlefield front and center. We cannot expect these warriors to speak out and risk their lives with no cover. We must step up alongside each survivor and look our enemy in the eye with them. We must protect and shield them when they are retaliated against or bullied. We have to let the enemy know they are NOT winning this battle. They may be more organized, but they are weak compared to how many of US there are. We can’t forget this.
When someone asks a survivor, “You and what army?”, stand up and show them.
Until next time, Dear Reader…
Love always,
Emma Katherine
And that is how wars are won...
Oh I'm going to share that with my support....and those few relatives I trust!
They are in such denial. My sister's have done such a great job on ruining my credibility while putting themselves in angels wings.
I believe your words can help us gain new support.