Ex-Occult Butcher and Child Sex Slave Survivor Uses Art to Explain Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) in Harrowing New Interview Series
On Season 3, Episode 34 & 38 on 'The Imagination' Podcast
Dear Reader,
*This post is ‘too long’ for email, so please click on this post through your email and it’ll take you to my Substack page where you can read this article in it’s entirety…
**And also - I want to preface this article with a *TRIGGER WARNING* - there will be graphic details and artwork surrounding satanic ritual abuse and core split programming
Now… where was I? Oh yeah. I remember…
Carrie Olaje came into my life via a message I received and noticed in my Direct.Me inbox (Link to my Direct.Me) and her story was one that really hit me hard. For starters, we are really close in age and I felt an immediate ‘sistership’ form between us from the first time we talked. She’s someone who - had I met her on the street in different circumstances - I’d have wanted to be friend with.
(I mean… Just LOOK how beautiful she is! You can just see the loving kindness she embodies in her eyes!)
The first time I talked to and met Carrie on Zoom to discuss doing a podcast together, we talked for hours! I was blown away by her story and really connected on a personal level to how she would describe or explain aspects of her story. She has this way of using art and poetic metaphors to weave together the tapestry of her story and of concepts and events that are virtually out of the realm of what 99% of humans can comprehend or try to make sense of. A creative and artistic person myself, I realized that her testimony told in the way that she naturally presented it may be extremely valuable for people like me who can conceive of ideas easier through the use of art and creative storytelling through metaphorical allegories.
Carrie’s story begins before birth. Daughter of a mind-controlled mother and pedophile father, the generational abuses carried down in her family primed her to be a prime candidate for the organized abuse she suffered from at the hands of her family, military personnel, government officials, and prominent members of her community due to her susceptibility to dissociate and therefore - to be easy to control and manipulate.
Whereas most females and young girls I’ve had on my podcast were thrust into Beta (“Sex Kitten”) Programming, Carrie was used as the occult butcher in rituals (where she was essentially in charge of dismembering human bodies, serving blood, and ‘catering’ when cannibalism was involved) and was placed into Delta (‘Child Assassin’) Programming where she partook in intense military, bayonet, and combat training.
As she explains it, “Some handlers / abusers want a ‘poodle on a leash’ while other handlers / abusers want ‘to tame something dangerous’.” Carrie was ‘chosen’ and programmed to be a lethal weapon.
In Part 1 of our interview series (she will hopefully be on many more times!), she gave her incredible testimony over a long-form interview (about 3.5 hours) and used the art she created during her awakening to describe in detail a few key ritual events she was forced to partake in.
Watch Carrie's Testimony Here!
I’d love for you all to listen to her testimony in full (click link above!) as it does so much more justice than anything I can write, but I wanted to share the photos and a brief description of some of the events she chose to share with us in her initial interview:
PARIS RITUAL: Trafficked to Paris and abused , taken to French man’s home to be shown off at pre-ritual ‘cocktail party’, taken to ritual space catacombs underneath Paris government buildings, Carrie served the ‘black mass’ as the occult butcher…
CAVERN RITUAL: Event took place in Tucson, AZ (where she lived at the time), she was trafficked to Tucson, AZ Mayor through father who knew him, taken to a trailer behind main visitor’s center in cavern area before it was open to the public, and was raped by the Mayor during the ritual…
TEXAS RITUAL: Took place at Military Hunting Lodge, women in black robes escort playing children to ritual space, one woman was holding a baby, 3 children were forced to kill and sacrifice living creatures for ritual with ‘help’ from an adult, Carrie was chosen for the ‘special spot’ of being forced to sacrifice a living baby while the other children were forced to sacrifice an animal…
Carrie also went onto describe other rituals involving a man riding in on a white horse to ‘save’ her as well as Kennel / Dog Programming. Every minute of this interview was riveting and packed with intricate details and information that was new to a lot of us listening. Carrie’s ability to give graphic detail through the use of words and art at the same time brought to life a visual aspect to learning about SRA that I had not seen done before. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I could tell by the response that it had a profound impact on all of you too.
I can’t thank all of you who watched the entire episode from start to finish and who shared, commented and interacted enough. From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU for caring and for having the courage to look at what most of the world turns away from.
I had already planned on having Carrie back on the podcast and after the response from Pt 1, we filmed again shortly after the release of her first episode and the new episode launched this week…
Watch Carrie's 2nd Interview here!
This episode was one of the harder ones for me to process personally. All of these stories take a lot of courage and prayer for me to get through, but this one was extra hard for me to keep my composure. It’s not uncommon for me to shed a few tears on my podcast or even cry and once in a while I start crying and for one reason or another, I struggle to stop crying. Sometimes I wonder how I ever stop crying, if we are being honest. And I’m sure you can relate if you’ve been listening to these powerful testimonies, Dear Reader.
Hearing this young woman describe her ‘Core Split Programming’ ritual event paired with the artwork she presented knocked the wind right out of me. Picturing this amazing woman who’s become a friend to me going through something so horrific… Hearing her speak in her convictions despite her voice shaking… Seeing her drawings of the poor, innocent children who were used and then disposed of… Picturing little Carrie standing witness to these monstrosities as a small child… I cried for the horrors Carrie was forced to partake in and cried knowing how proud that little girl must be of the woman she became despite what she endured. This is the space where victims blossom into survivors and warriors.
Here is the artwork from the Core Split Programming event along with brief descriptions:
FIRST TRAUMA EVENT: Children were taken into dungeon-type room and placed in kennels, a small girl being deemed ‘meat’ (aka: ‘disposable’), being raped by 2 men, and then being killed by 2 German Shepard dogs in front of Carrie and the other children. Children were forced to partake in acts of cannibalism with the remains of the dead child “or else” they, too, would be fed to the dogs. Fear programming.
2ND TRAUMA EVENT: Children were taken into ‘rape room’ where they were forced to witness the emaciated and diseased corpse of a small child in a cage. Done to instill a fear of, “This will happen to you too if you disobey or don’t do what we ask”, further fracturing the child while creating compliant parts that will be loyal in doing what they are asked or told to do.
3RD TRAUMA EVENT: Another child who was deemed ‘disposable’ was caught on fire by one of the adults and as the fire spread throughout his body, other adults perpetuated the fire by pouring lighter fluid on the child’s clothes. The child violently died in front of Carrie and the other children and, again - the programming reinforced this core split and would serve as a traumatic reminder of “What will happen to you” if the children decided to be disobedient throughout their lives. These upsetting traumas would become the foundation to which all other traumas are built upon.
One of my favorite quotes from Carrie: “It felt like they honed a really sharp weapon… and now it’s pointed at them”.
You see, survivors are cut out for anything. They are literally the most brilliant and resilient humans on the planet. They are who all of us should be listening to. Carrie outlines the Core Split ritual in great detail in this second interview, but she also goes into great detail as well about Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.), dissociation and what it and what it feels like, healing modalities that worked for her, switching and integrating ‘parts’ (or ‘alters’ as some refer to), and so much more.
This information is NOT taught in any formal education. In fact, it’s been stripped out of the Western education model (aka: the ‘Rockefellar / Tavistock Education System’) and is considered ‘conspiracy’ amongst medical professionals in the fields of psychology or counseling. D.I.D. is NOT a disorder. Dissociation is an incredible miracle and function our human body performs all on it’s own when faced with extreme trauma that allows us to survive.
Survivors like Carrie who are bold enough to step forward and explain in great detail what dissociation is and what types of events cause it is ground-breaking in the field of mental health where medical professionals risk losing their licenses if they paint outside the lines of how their manufactured textbooks tell them they are ‘allowed’ to treat trauma survivors who have D.I.D. And Carrie does a phenomenal job helping those of us who don’t have D.I.D. to have a greater inner-standing of dissociation while giving us metaphors and tools to relate so we can better step in the shoes of a trauma survivor and be able to meet them with love and empathy.
I know I will never fully be able to relate, comprehend, or understand what it’s like to experience things that are so evil that they lack the ability to be understood on a deep level, but my hope with this podcast is that we can collectively get as close as possible to having a greater understanding of trauma so that we can walk into these hard and healing conversations instead of walking away from them like society has done for far too long.
Carrie also just started a YouTube channel where she’s going to be educating on trauma, her testimony, D.I.D., dissociation and SO much more. I invite you all to Subscribe to her channel and support her - I’m so proud of the work she’s doing and would love for you all to go encourage and lift her up on this new venture she’s taking on:
Subscribe HERE to Carrie's New YT Channel!
I’ll be doing more episodes with Carrie in the near future and hope you will all take the time to listen to her episodes in their entirety. These are the most important stories in the world and Carrie broke new boundaries in the two interviews we did together. This was the first time she’s told her testimony in a long-form interview format and that is a HUGE step for a survivor and a miracle in and of itself.
The spell cast on a survivor by their abusers breaks when they speak their truth out loud. I know these stories are hard to listen to. But it’s our duty to listen to them. THEY had to LIVE events. The very least we can do is listen.
Please listen. Just listen. Listen without any distractions. Understand that this is still happening today. Understand that many of Carrie’s abusers are still walking free - most likely hurting other children exactly how they hurt Carrie.
If you can’t listen for you, for the love of God - listen for the children.
As always, Dear Reader, thank you for being here. For caring. And for your support.
You keep me going <3
Emma Katherine
Good post. Great to see you blogging.
Love love Carrie! She is an amazing warrior!