Ex-Operational CIA MONARCH Mind Slave Whistleblows Child Blood Sacrifices Under Disneyland
7.29.23 | On Season 3 Episode 39 with J.R. Sweet
Dear Reader,
Something really fascinating happened recently. About 2 months ago, I did an interview with the first male MONARCH operator and whistleblower that I had met who was willing to speak out, Grey (WATCH GREY'S TESTIMONY HERE). On that episode was a call to action for male survivors to use their voices and start speaking out. After realizing that Grey was the first male I’ve interviewed on these topics, I prayed to God about it, and suddenly a beautiful thing happened… My schedule was suddenly filled with interviews from amazing male survivors and advocates who had reached out or who I had stumbled on. One of those men was a man named J.R. Sweet (CLICK FOR PODCAST EPISODE).
J.R. has been whistleblowing since 2017 when he began having memory recall at the age of 38. He has been documenting his journey and memories on his website and cleverly nicknamed himself the Mormon MONARCH. His website is filled with so much vulnerability, truth, sadness, and story after story that will have your jaw on the ground.
Words quoted from J.R.’s website:
“My name is J.R. Sweet, and I am a survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Trauma Based Mind Control Program, Mk-Ultra: Project Monarch. I began to remember my involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon in the spring of the year 2017 A.D. The CIA never ended their work in the field of Trauma Based Mind Control, and it is naïve, ignorant, and even dangerous to believe that they did. I have created this website for the purpose of informing you, The People of this country and the world, what I remember of my involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency and the Satanic Elite who are controlling our world.
The Journaled Memories that I will present to you on this website are not based on beliefs and or assumptions; the journal entries that I will present to you on this website are simply what I remember of my past growing up in a Satanic, generationally incestual CIA family as a Trauma Based Mind Slave owned and used by the Central Intelligence Agency. These journal entries can be found in the menu bar under Writings on Past.
I will take a moment to warn and inform you that these journaled memories and writings on this site are intended for adults aged eighteen years and/or older as they contain complex violent and sexually explicit content and information. I will also warn and inform you that this site and these writings will contain Triggers in the form of words and phrases, and if you think that you may yourself be a survivor of Mk-Ultra Trauma Based Mind Control Programming, then you will not want to read this website until you are well into your own healing process.
I am doing my part in providing this information to the general public and I would ask you to do your part and share this information with others. I would also ask that you yourself write to congress and to your state representatives, and demand that these matters be investigated.
I am not hiding; I am right here, and I am blowing the whistle.”
God Bless America, God Bless the People, God Bless You, and God Bless the TRUTH as it will set U.S. all Free."
Semper Fidelis
Author: J.R. Sweet"
J.R.’s testimony parallels the likes of survivors like Cathy O’Brien and Meghan Walsh. In fact, J.R.’s main handler and owner were the same as Cathy’s; Alex Houston and Senator Byrd. I find these synchronicities to be extremely validating for survivors and their testimonies!
We covered a LOT in J.R.’s interview and he covers a whole lot more on his website. For this article in particular, we are going to focus on J.R.’s first-hand account of organized child abuse and programming at Disneyland and the horrific and nefarious covert ops happening within and underneath this nostalgic fantasy-land…
(*Read the caption below the photo…)
Ironically, J.R.’s last name, ‘Sweet’, perfectly describes his demeanor. I have had so many beautiful comments of support on YouTube about how lovely he is. The things he talks about are horrific, yet he speaks about them in ways that are palatable and easy to digest and understand. This was a very special and important podcast episode:
Disney has long been a nostalgic world of childhood wonder, magic, and fond memories many of us grew up with. What most people don’t know is the history of Disney and especially the truth about Walt Disney who was above the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry. Walt Disney was a predator and pedophile and these theme parks functioned as way to explore these fetishes in real time while also functioning behind the scenes as a covert programming, child prostitution, and human trafficking facility for those in MONARCH and other mind control programs perpetuated by the US government. I’ve covered this in a few episodes on my podcast with Cheryl ‘Hersha’ Beck, Andi Bond, and others.
J.R. shared a specific memory that took place on ‘Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride’ at Disneyland.
Here’s a TikTok I created with the specific clip about Disney:
Quoted from J.R.’s website about Disney (CLICK TO SEE FULL ARTICLE ON J.R.'S WEBSITE):
“This Journalled Memory is about our first family trip to Disneyland in southern California. Disneyland is a Trauma Based Mind Control Programming Facility as there are many layers to the park. On this trip I would be initiated into the CIA’s Mind Control Program on a ride called Adventure thru Inner Space. I would also experience the exhibit, World Vision as well as be made to witness and take part in a blood sacrifice ritual below the surface of the park. This work will also discuss the first time that I can remember having a taser used on me, as well as being told by my father what number the Agency had assigned to me within the Project.
From the time that I was six years old up until I was seventeen, Disneyland was a huge part of our lives, and we as a family would take an almost yearly trip to the Satanic land of pedophilic paradise. My family has a long history with Walt Disney and his theme park there in Southern California; Walt Disney is the movie producer from my grandfather’s story about the limousine ride at two o’clock in the morning in Los Angeles, California. But rather than ending in threats of violence as my grandfather claimed years later, the limo ride had ended well for both perverted men, because my grandfather got to know Walt on a personal level up until his death. My grandfather was directly involved with the establishment and execution of Monarch Trauma Based Mind Control Programming within the Disneyland theme park; he worked directly with Walt on establishing a Mind Control Facility that the public would gladly pay to blindly attend and unknowingly support. The summer after my younger brother and I had been selected by Alex Houston for the Project was the first year that I was taken to Disneyland for my annual government orchestrated trauma based mind control programming at this location.
Our grandfather lead U.S. through a door into another part of the facility that was still very dark though there was some lighting. It was a large room under the park that had a tall ceiling. The room itself was filled with cages such as one would see in a zoo for the keeping of larger animals like lions or bears, etc. and the cages were only about four foot tall. They were stacked on top of one another, and the cages filled the perimeter of the room in a circular pattern. These cages were not empty, but each one held a child between the ages of about two years old and up to about twelve or thirteen years of age. The room was quiet as no one dared to make a sound in this place especially with my grandfather present in the room. At the center of the room and with all of the cage’s doors facing it was an alter made of, or made to look like stone, with a large flat surface. Our grandfather walked my little brother and I around this room showing U.S. all of the children that were held there in the cages; it was all much worse than any nightmare.
My younger brother and I were made to stand near the alter and my grandfather told U.S. that he had a particular “Troublemaker” that he was going to use in this blood sacrifice to set an example to the rest of the children there, of the importance of obedience. When he said this, I had imagined that he would take a young male teen from one of the cages for the sacrifice as I had imagined such to be the most capable of causing him trouble in this place. But this was not the case; my grandfather’s minion took a young girl of about five years of age or so from one of the cages. I was horrified by what I was seeing in this place. The girl was placed on the alter and I could not imagine how such a beautiful young creature of God could have caused my grandfather any trouble at all let alone deserve such as this punishment she was about to receive. I could not handle any of this and I disassociated from the situation as was my grandfather’s intent.
They placed her on the alter and she was made to lie on her back. She was in such a state of trauma that she did not put up much of a fight. She was tied down so that she could not move, and my grandfather took a knife and he cut the little girl’s throat. She bled out very quickly and the red blood was caught in the alter and moved down a channel in the alter to a white bowl/vessel that was lower on the alter than the dying young girl; the red of the blood was a deep contrast to the white of the bowl. This was all a horror to bear witness too and is difficult to put into writing as sorrow fills my soul at the memory of this; my grandfather was truly a cruel psychopath. Once the girl was done bleeding out her last and the vessel was filled with her fresh warm blood my grandfather took the vessel and he drank from it. He next handed it to me and made me drink from it. He next handed it to my younger brother and made him drink from it. It was all too much for the conscious mind to bear and bear witness to.
When we had consumed of the blood, my grandfather walked U.S. back into the room that was adjacent to the room we were in and connected to the main tunnel. He took a moment to hypnotize U.S. both, telling U.S. that we were to “Remember to Forget” these events and this blood ceremony. He then opened the door into the main tunnel where the man in the one-piece mechanics suit and baseball cap was waiting for U.S. as he had been instructed to do; my grandfather was pleased to see that my father was not with the man this time. My grandfather told this man to take U.S. back to the ride and to our father who was waiting for us there. By this time, I had been pushed very deeply within myself and was disassociating from the situation; my little brother and I did exactly as we were told. We followed the man back through the light of the main tunnel and then back up the stairwell to the door leading out onto the ride. It was strange moving across the threshold of Service Tunnels with its stale, neutral and dark colors to the vibrant color patterns and light schemes of the ride. Coming through the doorway the man led us the short distance through the rides set to our rider car where our father was waiting for U.S.; our father was really glad to see U.S. as we approached him in the car, and he smiled and said hello. My little brother and I sat down in the car and put our seat belt back on. The attendant left through the same door he had come through and our father said, “are you boys ready” as though nothing at all had just happened. But by this time, I was having trouble remembering what had just happened.”
Sure makes you look at Disney differently, huh?
When you listen to J.R. in the interview tell this story, you can see the child in him shining through speaking to us. You can hear the pain in his voice. Truth has a specific ‘sound’. You know it when you hear it. When I heard J.R. speak these details aloud, my heart broke. I pictured him as that little boy - eager and excited to go to Disney only to be perpetrated once again by people who were supposed to be protecting him. J.R. speaks of filming child pornography, mind control programming, children in cages, ritual blood sacrifices of children, ritual sites, child trafficking and exploitation… Meanwhile, above ground - parents and children play with zero comprehension of what is happening right below their children’s feet.
I’ve personally never been to Disney and this is now something I’m really proud of after learning all of this.
This is real life. This is still happening today at these ‘theme parks’. To children. Our innocents. And we PAY Disney to go to their park. We FUND out of our pockets a massive child abuse and programming center. If this doesn’t make your skin crawl… I don’t know what will.
We HAVE to join together and make a concerted effort to keep children away from these theme parks, from Disney movies and TV (Disney programs children through the tell-lie-vision too!), and shine a light on these crimes against our children that are being hidden under the guise of ‘entertainment’. We fund this machine with our own money and if we care enough to want this to stop (Which you do, do you not?), then it MUST stop with US. We must be the ones to draw a line in the sand. To stand by children and not by the machine that abuses them. There’s plenty of other ways we can enjoy our kids and give them beautiful memories and childhoods that don’t involve Disney propaganda and agendas.
Dear Reader - do you have the courage to join me in standing by children and survivors and walk away from the systems that abuse them?
Join me, will you?
Our children’s lives depend on it.
Our children’s lives depend on you.
Our children’s lives depend on us.
In a world full of people who stand for nothing, be the one who stand up and says, “It stops with me.”
May we be the ones who say “NO MORE” and mean it.
Until next time, Dear Reader…
Thank you for taking the time to read this most important message. I don’t take it lightly and want you to know it means the world to me.
Emma Katherine