Masonic Ritual Abuse Survivor Breaks 1,000+ Years of Multi-Generational Abuse and Trauma
9.3.23 | From Season 3, Episode 44 of 'The Imagination' Podcast featuring Kate Field
Dear Reader,
Generational trauma (and how to heal it!) and looking into our genealogy are topics we aren’t taught to care about growing up. I know personally, I never thought to research my family lineage growing up outside of what I knew to be true in the present day with immediate relatives. One of the interesting aspects of podcasting for me personally has been in observing and considering the consistencies between survivors - and even moreso between specialized types of abuse like satanic ritual abuse (SRA), and (what I am now going to refer to as) Masonic ritual abuse (MRA).
When Kate introduced herself to me about a year ago, I remember thinking that she was just the sweetest person. Soon after I met her, she had an appearance on Lisa Meister’s podcast, “Only God Rescued Me: My Journey from Satanic Ritual Abuse” (which you should all absolutely go Subscribe to because Lisa features survivors on her podcast also - (CLICK HERE TO SEE KATE'S FIRST INTERVIEW WITH LISA!) and I was so proud of her. It was her first time speaking out since her memory recall began happening not even a year prior, and I’d have never guessed it was her first podcast because she was so put together and courageous.
We had also talked about doing a podcast when the time was right - one of the things I LOVE about Kate is her relationship with the Holy Spirit. She is divinely guided in all her decisions through Him and she has this high frequency about her that makes you feel like you get to meet God through her correspondences. When she reached out recently and said, “Holy Spirit said I needed to talk to you”, I was here for it! So, we setup an interview. And BOY was I blown away…
Kate’s awakening began right around the moment you see in the photo above. Up until this point, Kate had no recollection of the truth of her past. She only knew she was being spiritually attacked and decided to shift her life to building a relationship with God - starting with a baptism. As her relationship with Christ deepened, so did the spiritual attacks, dissociation, and feelings of unease until suddenly and quite violently, memories started pouring back into her conscious mind like a flood and the harrowing truth of her hidden past revealed itself piece by piece…
“The system will maintain the stored traumatic stress until it is ready to let it out.” - Irene Lyon
Only a year and a half after her first memories surfaced, Kate is back with a 2nd interview we did together on ‘The Imagination’… and you don’t want to sleep on this one!
What Kate discovered through her own extensive research into her bloodline and family tree was that she was born into a multi-generational Masonic bloodline family that dates back at least 1,000 years on BOTH her mother and father’s side of the family. The two family bloodlines seemed to be intertwined throughout history - intermarrying and carrying on the generational trauma and abuse generation after generation…
*She even discovered Thomas Jefferson (who was ALSO a Freemason) was a distant relative…
All the way up Kate’s family lineage leads to Freemasonry. Father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great grandfather… and so on and so forth - on BOTH sides of the family. Freemasons. All the women Eastern Star or Masons - on both sides. For at least ONE THOUSAND YEARS…
Here’s some other photos Kate shared - this time regarding the history of her grandfather:
So, you see - Kate’s story didn’t begin when she was born. Her story began generations ago. And she was supposed to carry on the abuse to the next generation after her. Little did her abusers know that all the dirt they threw at the little girl in the photo below would grow flowers…
When Kate started to realize the family she was born into and as the memories of abuse began pouring in, she realized that not only did Freemasonry run in her family, but that as a small child and growing up - she was a survivor of satanic ritual abuse AND masonic ritual abuse by the same Freemasons in her family she had grown up around.
*What Kate calls her ‘Oopsie’ photo. Proof of her abuse. Look at her legs… How do our hearts not break? The precious child she was. The precious woman she became despite what was done to her…
I haven’t heard the terminology ‘Masonic Ritual Abuse’ (MRA), so I’m going to ‘coin’ this term in this article as this specific type of abuse varies from satanic ritual abuse and MK ULTRA with it’s own systematic organization and perpetuation of abuse on a child victim. This will now be known as MRA and it’s important to note that in my own experiences, this type of abuse is always paired with SRA - and many times with MK ULTRA.
Kate discusses this book and how it helped her break the generational curses passed down generationally with her abuse. She realized she could stop the abuse herself but that there were additional steps needed to break away from the spiritual ties to evil set in place through Freemasonry and Masonic Ritual Abuse.
If you notice in the clip above of one of Selwyn Steven’s renunciation prayers, you’ll see it says, “I renounce the piecing of the eyeball”, “I renounce the hoodwink, the mock hanging, the mock beheading, the mock drinking of the blood of the victim, the mock dog urinating on the initiate, and the offering of urine as a commemoration.”…
These ritualistic oaths are passed on though the spirit of our generational iniquity. Below, Kate talks a little about this exact phenomenon:
Breaking generational trauma and healing iniquity is not for the faint of heart. I always wonder what it is about survivors that they never give in and never give up. They are tortured to forget and programmed to continue the abuse cycle. How do we not fall to our knees and MARVEL and weep at those who who somehow resist and eventually break free of these systems and networks? All the years, money, time, and training invested into ‘keeping it in the family’ for yet another generation to come, and somehow and in some WAY, there comes along one child who grows up and says “It stops with me”. In Kate’s case, the abuse went on for ONE THOUSAND years generationally before it met her. And she was the one who drew a line in the sand.
Kate is a hero. Survivors are heroes.
Dear Reader, it overwhelms me to consider how powerFULL this concept is. And that we ALL have the choice to put our foot down, become more self aware and conscious, and completely change history moving forward. Simply by choosing to re-parent and heal our own inner child and by letting the example of our healing be seen, heard, and felt by every human and child we have the opportunity to impact each day, year, and lifetime.
YOU get that choice! You hold that power! You can re-create history by making better choices than the ancestors who came before you.
…because you do.
We all have so much to learn from survivors. The deep lessons they offer is are more valuable than anything else we could possibly indulge in (minus the Holy Spirit, of course). If everyone would turn OFF their tell-lie-visions and turn ON long-form survivor testimonies, the world would be a better place in no time.
Survivors are the heroes we’ve been waiting for. May we listen to them, see them, believe them, e-LOVE-ate them, and follow their lead.
Be a circuit breaker <3
I’m grateFULL for you, Dear Reader. Thank you for standing by me. Your support and love helps ME heal my own inner child. See how that works?
Love always,
Emma Katherine
Thank you Emma. You are such a brave and courageous lady. May Heavenly Father set you in a high place and bless you a hundred-fold for all you do for survivors.
I ordered the book on freemasonry that Kate recommended and you listed here. Very eye opening!