'Ritual Abuse Map' by Team FSociety
5.22.24 | French Research Team Cites 'The Imagination' Podcast for New Project
Dear Reader,
Recently, I was introduced to an incredible team of independent researchers in France who call themselves ‘Team FSociety’ who launched a ground-breaking project helping to reveal the underbelly of ritual abuse through corroborating evidence from survivors in a compelling visual format. I was honored to see that they cited ‘The Imagination’ Podcast as a resource they used (along with ‘50 Voices of Ritual Abuse’ and Anneke Lucas) to create a worldwide MAP of ritual abuse locations along with a profile of the survivor and whistleblower who provided the information. To have been able to help this project along in any big or small way is a true highlight in my podcasting ‘career’ and I wanted to share this important project and resource with all of you.
The cool thing about this resource is that FSociety are corroborating EVIDENCE through testimony of survivors from all over the world. Anneke Lucas and ‘50 Voices of Ritual Abuse’ were also cited as inspirations for this project. This French team is doing something really impactful that I believe you should all know about (and support!).
It’s not a ‘coincidence’ that complete strangers from all over the world name the same names and locations.
It’s not ‘coincidence. It’s EVIDENCE.
And the result of compiling this evidence of survivor testimonies onto a map where we can see these hidden ritual abuse locations in real time is quite shocking and incredible.
Here is the promotional video that Team FSociety posted on Twitter showcasing their ‘Ritual Abuse Map’ (the video is in French, but you can still see the map and it’s functionality from this video!):
Still shot of the location map taken from the above video (EVIDENCE):
Here’s a photo taken from their actual website - I found out you can use translator from a laptop to translate their website text from French to English which is super cool!
When you click on any of the pin-point locations, a profile with the survivor’s name and pertinent information populates!
A couple examples of survivor profiles that will look familiar to you:
Wow! Is this not amazing? Look at all the overlaps when you get a chance - it’s staggering and so validating to see the information presented by survivors laid out in this fashion!
A couple tweets in English <3
This was a really cool honor and I’m looking forward to more creators finding creative ways to disperse this information being whistleblown. We all have a part to play and there are endless ways to do something to help contribute. I share this as a resource for you (that hopefully YOU will look at and help share with others also!) and to show you what is possible with some inspiration and imagination!
Please go support Team FSociety on Twitter:
THANK YOU TO THE TEAM BEHIND TEAM FSOCIETY for creating this valuable resource we can all contribute and add to and for helping to show that survivor testimonies ARE the evidence needed to prove that (satanic) ritual abuse exists. The overlaps are undeniable PROOF of the testimonies.
It honestly gets me super emotional to see the map all laid out as I see visuals like this in my head often as I continue to hear these testimonies and hear similarities and corroborating stories, locations and abusers. I KNOW the words spoken from survivors are evidence. I have seen and heard WAY too many ‘coincidences’ for there to BE any coincidences. I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. I know PROOF lies in the broken silence of these warriors coming forward. I HAVE known it - I knew it to my core even before I started this podcast. I just didn’t understand the extent of this truth until I actually began this podcasting project. Now it’s an inner knowing without question.
I know many of you ‘get it’ now - and it warms my heart!
I hope you all find this to be as helpful of a resource as I do and that you take the time to share this resource with as many people as you can.
Send it to people who say SRA is a ‘conspiracy’. Send it to the non-believers of MK ULTRA. Send it to everyone you know. We need to help elevate each other up in this movement as this information gets extremely suppressed in the algorithms.
Thank you all for all your love and support. It makes me speechless and humbled. I really can’t do this without all of you and I hope you know how loved and appreciated you all are!
Until next time, Dear Reader…
I love you!
-Emma Katherine
Thank you Emma! I wish I could read French!
I love near Portland, Oregon and have heard of Voodoo Doughnuts. Seeing the ads here sickens me! We Need these maps here in English! We need them updated!
What can I do?
God bless us every one!
This is wonderful, Emma! Keep up the great work you’re doing with survivors to continue bringing this to light so we can end it once and for all! 🤗💖♥️