‘Michelle Remembers’: The Second Rise of the ‘Satanic Panic’?
11.28.23 | From Season 4, Episode 17 of 'The Imagination' Featuring Jaymee Jay
Dear Reader,
Recently, I crossed paths with a disturbing revelation dating back decades that seems to be making a resurgence back into the mainstream media and public eye: The ‘Satanic Panic’.
Luckily for all of us, I got all the tea thanks to independent researcher and journalist, Jaymee Jay, who did an important podcast with me on this ‘Satanic Panic 2.0’ phenomenon that appears to be sneaking up behind the backs of the survivor movement we have all created… just like what happened decades ago when the Satanic Panic propaganda originally flooded MSM.
Before we continue to what is happening today, lets revisit the past so we know what the Satanic Panic is (via Wikipedia):
“The Satanic panic is a moral panic consisting of over 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA, sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organized abuse, or sadistic ritual abuse) starting in the United States in the 1980s, spreading throughout many parts of the world by the late 1990s, and persisting today. The panic originated in 1980 with the publication of Michelle Remembers, a book co-written by Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder and his patient (and future wife), Michelle Smith, which used the discredited practice of recovered-memory therapy to make sweeping lurid claims about satanic ritual abuse involving Smith. The allegations, which afterwards arose throughout much of the United States, involved reports of physical and sexual abuse of people in the context of occult or Satanic rituals. In its most extreme form, allegations involve a conspiracy of a global Satanic cult that includes the wealthy and elite in which children are abducted or bred for human sacrifices, pornography, and prostitution.
Nearly every aspect of the ritual abuse is controversial, including its definition, the source of the allegations and proof thereof, testimonies of alleged victims, and court cases involving the allegations and criminal investigations. The panic affected lawyers, therapists, and social workers who handled allegations of child sexual abuse. Allegations initially brought together widely dissimilar groups, including religious fundamentalists, police investigators, child advocates, therapists, and clients in psychotherapy. The term satanic abuse was more common early on; this later became satanic ritual abuse and further secularized into simply ritual abuse. Over time, the accusations became more closely associated with dissociative identity disorder (then called multiple personality disorder)and anti-government conspiracy theories.
Initial interest arose via the publicity campaign for Pazder's 1980 book Michelle Remembers, and it was sustained and popularized throughout the decade by coverage of the McMartin preschool trial. Testimonials, symptom lists, rumors, and techniques to investigate or uncover memories of SRA were disseminated through professional, popular, and religious conferences as well as through talk shows, sustaining and further spreading the moral panic throughout the United States and beyond. In some cases, allegations resulted in criminal trials with varying results; after seven years in court, the McMartin trial resulted in no convictions for any of the accused, while other cases resulted in lengthy sentences, some of which were later reversed. Scholarly interest in the topic slowly built, eventually resulting in the conclusion that the phenomenon was a moral panic, which, as one researcher put it in 2017, "involved hundreds of accusations that devil-worshipping paedophiles were operating America's white middle-class suburban daycare centers."
A 1994 book claims that: 'Of the more than 12,000 documented accusations nationwide, investigating police were not able to substantiate any allegations of organized cult abuse.' However, Russia offers the case of seven members of a Satanic cult convicted of killing four teenagers and desecrating their bodies in a 2008 initiation ritual and two 'Goths' who were handed nearly 20-year prison terms for drowning and cannibalizing a 16-year-old girl in January 2009.
As you can see stated on Wikipedia, in 1980 an SRA survivor named Michelle Smith came forward with her therapist, Lawrence Pazder, and began whistleblowing her experiences of being abused by members of a satanic cult her mother gave her over to as a child. A book Michelle and Dr. Pazder wrote in 1980 called ‘Michelle Remembers’ sparked an international interest in satanic ritual abuse and over 12,000 victims followed suit in whistleblowing their experiences. SRA blew up and went viral in a time when there was no internet how we have today.
Talk show hosts like Oprah and Geraldo Rivera were even talking about SRA on MSM and factions of authority such as police were given mandated training around SRA and protecting victims.
Survivors voices were being heard, society was being informed of SRA, and actions were being done to expose SRA - including in court where there were actually perpetraitors that were prosecuted and who served time…
This was short lived, however, because this viral sensation around SRA was given a ‘name’ by mainstream media (who LOVE to use NLP on us) once the movement got too big called the ‘Satanic Panic’. Much like the word ‘Covid’ was repeated over the last few years to cause a global ‘panic’ over a virus, and like the ‘Reefer Madness’ marijuana propaganda caused societal fear about a PLANT - the ‘Satanic Panic’ was no different and was a phrase created to delegitimize the survivor movement and to get people to turn away from believing it… and they did.
Michelle and Dr. Pazder pierced the veil of society by bringing attention to SRA, then as quickly as it was sensationalized - the survivor movement of the 80’s was inverted in a twisted smear campaign instituted by and propagated through MSM to shove SRA back into the black hole it came out of where no one would look.
And society largely forgot about SRA...
…until these last few years broke another dam where survivors have been pouring out of the woodwork shouting their testimonies from the rooftops and getting LOUD once again.
My podcast, ‘The Imagination’ is a testament to this fact as I have established quite possibly one of the largest catalogues of survivor testimonies ever recorded in the world over these past 3+ years proving - without a shadow of a doubt - that SRA exists, is real… and is still happening today.
Michelle Smith helped pave the way for a podcast like mine to exist and for survivor’s to have their voices heard and it’s only right that we ‘remember Michelle’ as we look in the eye what appears to be the 2nd rise of the ‘Satanic Panic’.
“Always remember. Never forget”…
In my interview with Jaymee Jay (which you should ALL go check out - it’s one of the most historically important episodes I’ve done on ‘The Imagination’…
…she shines a light on a new documentary that was recently created and released that is bringing Michelle’s story BACK into the public eye to discredit once again with the same ‘Satanic Panic’ propaganda spoken by obvious cult members who are still actively trying to cover up Michelle’s allegations while discrediting all SRA survivors. This documentary is being pushed on Amazon, Tubi, iTunes, and will be released in select movie theatres come December. The directors and producers of this ‘documentary’ are getting featured on podcasts and channels with lots of followers and Subscribers and there is an active hit coming in hot trying to once again slow down the progress that survivors have made these last few years.
But do not be mistaken, Dear Reader -
This is a GOOD thing. It means that survivors are getting too loud just like how they were in the 80’s! The reason why it’s important to understand what is happening with ‘Michelle Remembers’ entering MEM again is because this smear campaign is targeting survivors and ALL the progress we’ve been steadily making - and we cannot let what happened in the 80’s and 90’s transpire today. We canNOT go back into hiding and silence. We can not be shamed into internalizing our voices or let the fear tactics and propaganda get in our way. Understanding the past helps us identify patterns we can break and learn from in the present and future.
This documentary I am not going to name in order to protect Jaymee (and myself), but you can easily find it if you search any or all of these key words in Google: ‘Michelle remembers documentary SRA 2023 satanic panic’ (etc!). You will see all kinds of information on this documentary populate your search that should lead you straight to the documentary itself. I rented it on Amazon Prime and boy did it make me LIVID. I hope you all take time to watch it - you will see a glimpse of the ‘gaslighting playbook protocols’ survivors talk about all the time on my podcast that happen with family and friends when a survivor decides to speak out against the cult they are deciding to oust. It’s absolutely disgusting and yet so predictable and obvious once you’ve heard enough survivor testimonies.
I do, however, want to highlight a couple things from the documentary that Jaymee noted in the podcast that should be immediate red flags for every one of you reading this…
One of the individuals featured in this documentary is a cop who worked in child abuse investigations named Kerr Cuhulain who is now making the effort to debunk child abuse - specifically SRA (what kind of a person does this?!).
Check this Kerr dude out:
What. The. Eff…
Also featured in the documentary is Debby Nathan who is an ‘award winning’ author who also spends her time ‘debunking’ SRA and silencing survivors. Note her earrings:
*Peep Debby’s pedo swirl earrings… yikes!
Not ONE survivor was featured in this new documentary. Why not? Why were the only people featured those who are obviously still cult-active who have something to gain by upkeeping their vows of silence (Elizabeth Loftus anyone)? The main focus of the documentary was brought to the fact that Michelle and her therapist ended up divorcing their spouses and falling in love with each other (and eventually getting married). Although it is NOT condoned for therapists to engage in sexual or relational promiscuity with their clients, the documentary chose to focus on the details of this love story instead of Michelle’s allegations of heinous abuse. It used manipulative tactics to gaslight Michelle while tugging at viewers emotions with sob stories from Pazders ex-wife and family members who obviously had and still have a hit out against Michelle and her ex-husband. You can tell that everyone in the documentary is still cult-active, still bitter, and that there’s a strategic campaign to silence those who dare to expose what was and is hidden in the dark.
It’s the Satanic Panic 2.0 and we need to care about it.
Again - the interview with Jaymee (and this article about the interview) is NOT to induce fear or discourage you. Quite the opposite... It’s to EMPOWER all of you to know that we and YOU are making a difference. We are piercing the veil of deception and breaking down the wall of silence with every testimony, every voice, every survivor who stands up to share what happened to them… These voices speaking out are getting too loud for these perpetraitors to silence, and as a last ditch resort - they are playing all their final party tricks at a chess game they know they can’t win.
Checkmate ♟️
I encourage you to learn this history, watch Jaymee’s episode we did together, and find and watch the new documentary being slowly released into the mainstream. Let it motivate you. Let it make you stand up a little taller. Let it give you the confidence to speak even when your voice shakes. Let it reassure you that you ARE being heard and that a smear campaign from the 80’s is re-emerging ONLY because perpetraitors feel cornered, threatened and like they have nowhere else to go. This is a VICTORY. And we have to maintain our victory by not shutting down or shutting up like people inevitably did in the 80’s and 90’s.
Let it make us louder.
Let it bring us together.
let it unify us.
Let them try with all their might to tear us down or tear us apart - and we will let them know we will never back down or be silenced again.
It’s time, Survivors.
It’s YOUR time, Survivors.
You are shaking the Luciferian Kingdom and soon enough your voices will reverberate so loud that every brick will crumble. It already has begun!
As the title of Jaymee’s podcast says, ‘Michelle Remembers and So Should You’.
And so should you.
And so should we.
Michelle - THANK YOU for all you did and risked for every survivor.
We will ALWAYS remember.
We will NEVER back down.
Until next time, Dear Reader…
Love always,
Emma Katherine <3
*Prayer courtesy of Lisa Meister and Scott Allen
You are so inspiring Emma and I really appreciate all the knowledge and healing you are assisting in bringing to the world at such a challenging time.
So many truths are coming out while simultaneously a whole lot of distortion and false information.
Discernment is very much required at this time and your authenticity is why I love watching/reading your work!!
Blessings upon blessings I send your way 🫶🏽✨🫶🏽
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Luke 8:17