Dear Reader,
I want to share a valuable lesson with you (below) in these unsettling times when we have propaganda, threats of war, and horrific videos depicting murder, death, violence and people at odds with one another begging you to take a side being played over and over again 24/7 on the TV (aka: the tell-lie-vision) and on social media…
I want to you to be reminded of an important quote by survivor Cathy O’Brien:
“Repetition is the most basic form of mind control.”
When we are sucked into this repetition, the end result is an unstable emotional state of fight-or-flight and fear - which cause us to lose the ability to think critically. It’s a form of mind-control (to put simply). And the people who own and control the media (all forms) understand this better than most of us do and deploy mind-control methods and techniques on us purposely through our streaming devices to keep us withered down into low frequency states of fear, anxiety, hopelessness, hate, anger, and depression.
Understanding that MK ULTRA is a sliding scale and is being deployed on humanity on a global scale is KEY to having eyes to see and ears to hear what is going on right now.
Remember - nothing goes ‘viral’ and gets played on MSM 24/7 ‘on accident.
It is by design…
They want you to focus on the wars happening outside of you so you forget there is a war on your mind.
I’m seeing so many people who are ‘awake’ getting sucked back into this mind control and who are forgetting to ask is an important question:
“Who is shaking the jar?“
Here’s my lesson for you today…
“If you go to the Southwest desert and catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants and put them in a jar, at first - nothing will happen.
However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other.
The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa - when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.
The same is true today in society:
Men vs Women
Left vs Right
Rich vs poor
Faith vs Science
Black vs White
Palestine vs Israel…
What we need to be asking is: WHO IS SHAKING THE JAR? The answer reveals the TRUE enemy”🫙
Moral of the story: Don’t forget who the real enemy is. It’s not who is in the jar with you. It’s not me. It’s not your neighbor. It’s not who the media and corrupt politicians tell you who it is...
It’s who is shaking the jar. It’s the people telling you that you have enemies instead of telling you to unite and come together.
Re-member who you are and stay above the fear-mongering war tactics trying to lure you into negative states that cause you to lose your ability to critically think.
#itsnotMEversusYOU #itsUSversusTHEM #LOVEoneanother #fighttheREALenemy
Love always,
Emma Katherine
Emma Katherine,
Whet fantastic insight God has given you!
Thanks for sharing, and keep up the good fight! Praying His protection around you!
Extremely accurate. It's the same feel as covid, just different names. You might also ask, what entity are they feeding with this fear and bloidshed in the supernatural? It's no coincidence that it is now, it's going into Friday the 13th and a solar eclipse. It's no coincidence it's rolling into the occulted celebrations. Hang onto your butts.