Tears cascade like molten lava

From hearts which burn within

Volcanic flow through vena cava

Raging ... to unearth deepest sin

Committed against mere babies.

Anniversary of Fukushima

Media storms upon oceans

Climate change in most Holy rhema

Social norms ... drunk on potions

Must soon be sober minded.

Tides must change, earth must crack

May Hell devour only it's own

So those of God may return back

Refined and tested gems now shown

To reflect the fire of God's perfect love.

The Lord's tears are fluid strength

Arm in arm, for now we pour

Rivers of passion to rush each length

As we fight together in this war

A tsunami of soldiers on the hill

For which we will give our lives!

Much love ... Kimi

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Those of Light must do Gods Work here on Earth ,he gave Us control of this Realm to rid Evil on his behalf

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This depravity, must continue to be exposed for the Victims of such Horror

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I followed this story closely years ago when it was happening. I never for a moment doubted the two children were telling the truth. I watched it unfold, scene by scene, including Ricky Dearlove who had all the earmarks of a liar. It was a test of people's discernment and their capacity to imagine evil existing right next door in the most horrific form -- and I knew most people just don't have the strength to absorb and not look away from the sickness around us. Then when the police supported Dearlove, Ella had to flee the country, the kids went to live with their dad and Sabine was arrested, I went into shock - I couldn't believe it and then again, what other outcome can there be in a world that allows criminals to ruie? We have to keep talking and exposing all this no matter what - and we have to get used to living in a world where things like this happen to children every day. We have to get stronger and better at fighting in public and private places, and not get shamed and silenced. Where are those children now? We need to know how the last 5 years have gone and what has become of this family. Thank you for your dedication --

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