ARMY OF LOVE CALL TO ACTION: Sabine McNeill and the Hampstead Whistleblower Children Need YOUR Help!
3.11.24 | From Season 4, Episode 51 on 'The Imagination' with Sabine McNeill
Dear Reader,
I’m sure by now many of you are familiar with the Hampstead cover-up case involving 2 whistleblower children, Ella 8 and Gabriel 9 (their ages years ago at the time of their disclosures) who disclosed horrific abuse at the hands of their father, Ricky Dearman, and the satanic cult he led. In case you are new to this story, it is an extremely important and historical case of satanic ritual abuse that against all odds, went viral and found its way near and far into the eyes. ears and hearts of many - waking them up the reality of SRA. This case was very controversial as it immediately was hit with smear campaign after smear campaign after several videos spread online like wildfire of two precious children disclosing heinous abuse on video pertaining to satanic ritual abuse, child trafficking, child sodomy and rape, cannibalism, child sacrifices, and so much more.
Some clips from the Hampstead child whistleblower disclosure videos:
These videos and children’s voices were largely elevated due to an incredibly courageous hero and whistleblower named Sabine McNeill, whom I had the honor of interviewing recently.
We are bringing this story back to the forefront because TODAY (March 11th, 2023) there is yet another attempt at creating another smear campaign ‘docu-drama’ propaganda piece on Channel 4 in the UK painting the Hampstead case as ‘Hoaxstead’ and featuring ‘the stories’ of a few cult-active ‘mothers’ and Hampstead community members who are alleging they were wrongfully painted as ‘sadistic pedophiles’. This, of course, happens to air just as more and more people are waking up to the realities of satanic ritual abuse... and (conveniently) as Sabine gets her voice back after spending 4 years in prison and recovering from her own trauma. And we need YOUR help sharing this important interview we did together in order to combat the fake news media who is, once again, hijacking the truth and twisting it into a hit piece against Sabine and the whistleblower children.
My Podcast Intro (for context on this story):
“I remember when I first stumbled on the Hamp-stead case, it was while I was scouring the internet for information about satanic ritual abuse. I came across a few videos involving two children - Alisa and Gabriel who were 8 and 9 at the time - who were filmed talking to adults in casual and forensic settings where - in graphic detail - they disclosed horrific abuses perpetuated on them at the Hamp-stead Christ Church Primary School and the surrounding areas by their father, Ricky Dearman, and the satanic cult he led. These hours of testimony were so horrific I remember sobbing listening to the casual nature of which these small children were talking about such terrible things as satanic rituals, sexual abuse, child murder and sacrifice, and cannabalism. It was the first time I had heard a child disclosure and it left my heart in pieces. Still to this day I cannot watch that video and audio footage without crying my eyes out. These children still to this day remain with their father after corrupt family court took custody away from their loving mother who tried to do the right thing as you’ve seen happen many times on this podcast. The Hamp-stead case eerily parallels the allegations former podcast guest, Samantha Baldwin, made against her ex-husband after her children began discussing heinous abuse and before they were ripped from her care by the same failed family court child racket system.
I remember also stumbling on footage and video of a woman who began whistleblowing this case. A brave and incredible woman who was brilliant, accomplished and who had nothing to gain from stepping up to be a voice for these children. I remember reading how this woman was incarcerated for 4 of the 9 years she was sentenced to for speaking up about this case, and it immediately validated these children’s stories even more seeing how the fake news media was - and still is - actively covering this story up and how they had created a smear campaign against this brave whistleblower who showed up with such passion and emotion to publicly stand up for children who weren’t even hers. This woman was Sabine and it’s an absolute honor to get to finally have her on the podcast as she’s someone who has been an incredible inspiration to me on my journey. I remember watching a video of her in court where she so powerfully advocated on behalf of these children and it still to this day gives me chills to consider the bravery this woman has to have risked her career, her life, her time, and her reputation. All to do the right thing by standing up for two children who had their voices taken away from them.”
And a video Alisa and Gabriel’s mother, Ella, Draper made in June 2022 after years of silence:
Here is the ‘Hampstead Exposed’ website that Ella Draper refers to in the above video for more context on the Hampstead cover-up:
And now… Information on the hit piece airing today (look how they try to sympathize with pedophiles):
And let us also not forget this creepy interview featuring Alisa and Gabriel’s father, Ricky Dearman, who denies allegations of being a satanic pedophile:
The Hampstead case is a ‘barometer’, says Sabine, to see where SRA stands in the minds of people and within the justice system. This case got so big because Sabine had the courage to advocate for children whom she had no blood relation to and because the horrific videos of the children disclosing abuse caught the hearts of millions all over the world who knew these children weren’t lying. And after 3.5 years of podcasting SRA survivors, I think we can all agree that there is no more denying SRA exists and that these children and Sabine were heroes coming forward to put SRA on the map despite the topic not being accepted mainstream as a ‘truth’.
WE know SRA is real and I am asking for a community-wide ‘CALL TO ACTION’ where we get LOUD about this case again. SO loud that we drown out the hit piece coming out later today on Channel 4 in the UK. We need to band together and organize in the same way these cult systems do. It’s the one thing they do better than we do. Imagine the power we’d have if we all came together to organize our efforts around elevating survivors, their campaigns, and hit pieces against them. Imagine if we all shouted the TRUTH about Hampstead from the rooftops and ALL became like Sabine. Look at what ONE woman and TWO children were able to accomplish in spreading this story around. Imagine if millions of us took it upon ourselves to lead with the same passion and courage that Sabine did. Imagine what we could accomplish…
Can YOU imagine it? I can.
So please, Dear Reader, take a minute today to share something that impacted you about the Hampstead case. Get more eyes on it. On Sabine. These children are old enough now to have access to the internet and to see what’s going on. They may not have their voices, but we can speak on behalf of them. Let them see an outpouring of love, truth, support, and courage from all of you. From all of US.
When we advocate for one child, what we do is give a voice to every child. Millions of children are slaves in their own homes. Lets make sure today that if Sabine, Ella, Alisa or Gabriel look at what’s trending on social media, that ‘Hoaxstead’ isn’t the only headline they see. Let them see your anger, your sadness, your passion, your love, your outcries, your demands for justice. Let the world know that WE KNOW. And that we will never be quiet. That we see the truth. We see through the lines. That we are a growing army who stands together to defend our little ones at all costs. That we are an army who stands behind those who are prosecuted for truth before us as Sabine has been. Let her know her efforts have not been in vain. That her sacrifices are known, appreciated, and that we aren’t going to leave her side.
I get people all the time who ask me ‘What can I do about all this?”, and a simple answer is in the last paragraph. Your advocacy to #StandBySurvivors is of utmost importance. Do not take this duty lightly. It IS a duty. It’s your responsibility.
Now that you know this exists, you must act.
These children need you.
The world needs you.
You ARE the solution to ending this all once and for all.
They need you.
Grab your buckets of water, everyone.
Don’t look away from the burning fire.
Walk into it.
The solution has been YOU all along.
Save the children <3
Until next time…
Most Sincerely,
Emma Katherine
Tears cascade like molten lava
From hearts which burn within
Volcanic flow through vena cava
Raging ... to unearth deepest sin
Committed against mere babies.
Anniversary of Fukushima
Media storms upon oceans
Climate change in most Holy rhema
Social norms ... drunk on potions
Must soon be sober minded.
Tides must change, earth must crack
May Hell devour only it's own
So those of God may return back
Refined and tested gems now shown
To reflect the fire of God's perfect love.
The Lord's tears are fluid strength
Arm in arm, for now we pour
Rivers of passion to rush each length
As we fight together in this war
A tsunami of soldiers on the hill
For which we will give our lives!
Much love ... Kimi
This depravity, must continue to be exposed for the Victims of such Horror