MONARCH Operator Connects Gifted & Talented Education (GATE) Programs to MK ULTRA
9.20.23 | From Season 3, Episode 47 on 'The Imagination' Featuring ‘Grey’
Dear Reader,
Now that you’ve awakened, I bet you’re like me and question everything about your life - do you not? Do you ever look back at events, people and places in your life and wonder if there was more to the story? Things that just didn’t catch your attention then, but raise a red flag now?
One of the biggest questions I think we should be asking ourselves about is our primary education K - 12 system. How many of us went through those 12 years and thought everything was perfectly normal only to awaken as an adult and realize that nothing about the entire experience was normal?
Remember the ‘Gifted and Talented’ Education Programs in school? What was REALLY happening in those programs? Why do so many students who were chosen for these programs have a lack of memory of what was happening? Could there have been an ulterior motive to scouting out the best and brightest in class?
What if I were to tell you that these programs are and were far more nefarious than any of us realized?
If you are like me and have questions that need answered, you’re going to want to stick around…
And by the way - take this poll so we can learn from you!
‘Gifted and Talented’…
Were you ever in these programs? Did you have friends that were? Maybe your children were scouted or are in these programs?
What’s interesting is how these programs are touted as being prestigious and that those who are in them are extra privileged over other students. They are programs for the ‘special’ kids. What parent doesn’t want a special child?
But why are gifted children so desirable to these school systems in the first place? Why the special interest in and emphasis on children who are talented or gifted? The answer may surprise you…
Lets dig into the history of these programs, shall we?
To help on this topic, I invited ”
“ back on to ‘The Imagination’ as this is a topic he knows well though experience having been recruited into gifted programs before he was even in Kindergarten…A little bit about 'Grey’:
Grey was born into a multi-generational occult bloodline family and from a very young age, was groomed and programmed by his family, family acquaintances, and eventually the government and military to become a top tier skilled assassin and operator through MONARCH and other mind control experimentation projects funded by the CIA. After a traumatic event occurred when he was 8, his family relocated to Tennessee where his abuse continued unbeknownst to him and it wouldn’t be until Grey was 25 that the two paths of the double life he was living would violently and suddenly collide, revealing every repressed memory from a tortured, painful, and horrific past. As his programming shattered, so did his life. Grey found himself facing time in prison after staged imprisonment charges were dropped on him, and at the same time, his family and loved ones were attacked and tortured as collateral damage to his awakening and first attempt at blowing the whistle on what his memories revealed.
When I first met Grey, we spoke over Twitter and I knew right away that his story was one that needed told. He was one of the few survivors I’ve met who had / has incredible amounts of corroborating evidence he’s collected, saved, and filed away for years and he’s done extensive research outside of his own testimony in order to best be able to help others (which is something he generously has given massive amounts of his time to doing over the last decade). He has a very thorough and logical understanding of how the networks, systems and operations work that govern our world, and I believe you’ll find his interview style more like sitting in a classroom and learning than listening to a personal testimony. Grey provides a ton of graphics and visuals on screen as well to accompany his video presentations so you can see for yourself how all the pieces fit together to complete a puzzle in what he is sharing. Grey has made a tremendously positive impact on my life and my heart and he’s someone you should absolutely be keeping your eyes on in this community. A true warrior through and through!
*And as a side note, go check out and follow his foundation, Organize Safety, which he’s been working on behind the scenes for the last ten years. Lots of new developments being announced about this new system to collect information about perpetraitors, locations and tips to corroborate a safe space for disclosure for survivors. You can read all about it on Twitter and follow the latest updates:
’s first episode on ‘The Imagination’ where he shared his incredible testimony. You should absolutely go check out this episode if you missed it (and watch the whole thing!):And while you’re at it - you should also go Subscribe to his YouTube channel, ‘The Grey Area’ where he laid out way more his testimony than he was able to cover on ‘The Imagination’ in a harrowing, heart-felt, and fascinating 7-part series:
Now that you’re all caught up on what you might have missed, lets get back to an overview of gifted and talented programs and how they coincided with the ‘inception’ of MK ULTRA (even though we know it existed before it had the official government project title)…
Global interest in gifted and talented humans and children is not something new. In fact, Grey outlines how a fascination with the gifted and talented can actually be traced back at least thousands of years - back to the days of Plato:
Then when the Cold War hit, gifted and talented programs began to change…
Then in 1958 (while MK ULTRA was well underway), the NDEA was signed into law (influenced by the Soviet launch of Sputnik) and ‘National Security’ (which was enacted conveniently in 1947) became the blanket created to keep all crimes against children (and ALL crimes We, the People should have a right to know about) hush-hush…
MK ULTRA history - for reference:
As the NDEA was rolled out, funding for US education increased substantially and the US was ‘ironically’ experiencing a ‘shortage of math teachers’…
Also in 1959, the NDEA funded Disney’s ‘Donald in Mathmagic Land’, and what isn’t known (unless IYKYK) is that the people who created this were Project Paperclip ‘scientists’ that came over from Nazi Germany into Disney (quite a bit ‘Grey’ explains in his interview)…
If you listen to my podcast, you KNOW Disney is a key player in MK ULTRA and you’ve heard testimonies of horrific rituals, murders, abuse and programming happening at these parks as well as Disney movies being used as programming scripts…
So, to recap - the NDEA was started in 1958 alongside DARPA, NASA, MK ULTRA, Disney and others…
The purpose of the NDEA was to provide education classifications and curriculum and funding for US school systems.
Then in 1960 - Project Talent was created to find the students alongside the NDEA for gifted and talented programs…
What is our nation’s ‘most valuable resource’? CHILDREN.
Project Talent was designed and created by a man named John C Flanagan who was in charge of a…
**Nothing to see here…**
And this is where things start to get weird. I’m going to attach a video below for you to watch where Grey dives into Project Talent and John C Flanagan and how they tie into MK ULTRA with the help of the NDEA and gifted and talented programs…
I’m going to encourage you to listen to the entire episode because it is SO informative. It is filled with incredible information from start to finish that will have your jaw on the floor at the end. You will absolutely want to also share this episode with any parents with ‘gifted’ children or who may have grown up a gifted child. We have to make sure we are helping parents be aware of what the government has their dirty hands in and how this could be detrimental to their children!
Could gifted and talented programs serve in the past and present as ‘scouting’ programs for MK ULTRA? Would you put it past our government to fund such an endeavor? I sure wouldn’t…
While we can’t change what was done in the past, but we can listen to whistleblowers and survivors who share their personal testimonies and LEARN from the information they share from their own personal experiences. We are lucky to get the opportunity to learn from Grey who is a statistical anomaly as someone who has a voice on the other side of the darkness he grew up in and around. If society only realized how RARE it is for anyone to get ‘out’ of these networks in any way and what a miracle it is for those who do get out to have an opportunity to speak publicly, they’d ALL listen to survivors in awe the same way you and I do.
Please listen to Grey’s FULL episode on gifted and talented programs - you will absolutely want to see the depth of ties these programs had and continue to HAVE to MK ULTRA!
**FYI for you to keep an eye out for…
Gifted and talented programs throughout history and what they stand for:
GATE - Gifted and Talented Education
TAG - Talented and Gifted
MGM - Mentally Gifted Minors
AIM - Achieve, Imagine, Motivate
Core (write in comments if Core or Encore had an acronym - I couldn’t find them but wanted to list them for you!)
STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Watch the episode to learn about these too… SRA?! Curiouser and curiouser…
Learning about this aspect of our education system has risen as an important priority to bring attention to because (as someone who has listened to perhaps more testimonies than anyone else in the world - other than all of you now also!), consistencies amongst survivor’s testimony’s and stories MATTER (I had a request to do an entire article about these consistencies - which I will be doing in the near future) because each survivor’sstory may be different in the details, but there is SO much overlap in the big picture. And gifted and talented education and above average / very high IQ’s are one of these consistencies across the board. Almost all (if not all!) of the survivors on my podcast have this in common and it is not to be overlooked. It would appear that a major prerequisite for MK ULTRA is accelerating on testing for gifted and talented programs.
Also interesting how many children who went in these programs don’t remember their experiences…
But I digress.
Gifts, talents and high IQ are at the foundation of MK ULTRA. This (along with other base qualities such as ability to dissociate, etc) are what qualify a child to be considered for these mind control programs. This is exactly what ‘they’ are wanting to exploit. The more intelligent, gifted and talented a child is, the more desirable they are. The more they become valuable as a ‘resource’ as we stated in this slide:
And after watching the John C Flanagan video and understanding what HE was involved with and responsible for? Oh man. We need to really be keeping an eye on our children when they are in school (or just take them out altogether and stop letting the government raise our children!) and making parents aware of the dangers that children face when they aren’t around.
We have to do better for our children. We have to get back to making children the epicenter of our society. We are all so overwhelmed by the ‘hustle and grind’ way of the western world that we’ve gotten so far away of ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. Women weren’t supposed to raise children alone. And the government CERTAINLY wasn’t supposed to get handed the responsibility altogether. Women are ostracized from society until they are ‘productive enough’ to come back to work and because we are all so tied up being stressed and busy, we have taken our eyes off the REAL priority that so desperately NEEDS our loving eyes and hearts: our CHILDREN. We shouldn’t be ok with repeating history out of convenience. We should be willing to take on ANY inconvenience necessary to give our children the safety and protection they are so deserving of. Thank God for whistleblowers like Grey who are willing to risk it all to share what they’ve learned with us to make the world a better and safer place for our children.
I also encourage you to follow and stay up to date with Grey’s Substack:
…and please follow Grey on Twitter - he’s always posting awesome threads and information he hasn’t spoken about in his personal video testimonies:
I’m so grateful for survivors. Without them, we’d know nothing about how world, body and mind works. We wouldn’t know who the enemy is. We wouldn’t know what a human being is capable of. We wouldn’t know how trauma stores in our body. We wouldn’t know the depths of evil that can exist in the world, but we also wouldn’t know the true healing power of unconditional love and empathy. We wouldn’t know what evils are lurking in our communities, in our families… and even in our schools.
Survivors like Grey lived through horrific things and when we listen, we learn about the world we live in and give a voice to hundreds, thousands, and millions of others who never made it out and who were never heard.
Leave a comment below if you were in a gifted and talented program - we’d love to know your experiences and what you remember!
It’s time for survivors to reclaim their gifts and talents! To use them for the good of mankind and through the anointing of God. Survivors - you ARE the anointed ones. You survived to share your testimony and to take back your gifts and make them your divine purpose for GOOD.
Dear Reader, I pray you also realize the gifts you were given as your divine birth right and that you may be inspired by the courage of survivors to use your own ‘test’imony to make the world a better place.
It’s time to take our gifts and talents and use them to create the world we wished existed!
You are a living, breathing present. The ultimate gift.
Open up.
All the way.
I see you.
I hear you.
I stand by you.
Love always,
Emma Katherine
This episode certainly was timely for me. I know I was in a gifted program, starting in the early 70s. Right before this episode, I had memories about being in some sort of school like thing, but my mother would take me there by having me hide in the passenger foot well of the car. It was not a normal place or program. And the memories I do have in public school..I never was in class doing thing like other kids and I was taken places. It's some messed up stuff and this episode gave me more questions to consider. Thank you.
Thanks for all your time in putting this information together Emma and Grey. I can barely remember my childhood and was in the Gate program.
When I woke up (to the truth) my adult kids were affected in a huge way.
Not only did I have to expose the family programming but also our city and to be honest now that the worse is over I feel we all handled it fairly well.
Definitely took them all for one last ride lmbooo
I have a 7 yo to protect and with your help, the help of other survivors you aid me in being strong, resilient, adamant and consistent,
We homeschool so when our abusers try their stuff we just add more fun and more freedom to our itinerary 🤓
Sending so much love and hugs your way for all you do, Substack is pretty cool too ❣️😘😍